23 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 260 (20/05/2014)

2591.            There are 40 official jelly belly flavours.

2592.            Early sewing machines were destroyed by mobs or workers who felt their jobs
    were threatened by automation.

2593.            In 1992, the Antarctic Ozone hole was larger than the continent of North America.

2594.            Someone gets divorced every ten to thirteen seconds.

2595.            There is a certain type of Hawk Moth caterpillar from Brazil that inflates its thorax,
    which makes its head look like a head of a snake when it feels it is in danger or

2596.            The CIA has made a disk camera that is as big as a quarter. This gadget can
    take many pictures at a time when the disk is opened.

2597.            The Sanskrit word for "war" means "desire for more cows."

2598.            In Hong Kong, delivery times are primarily influenced by traffic conditions on
    elevators. It often takes drivers longer to travel vertically than horizontally, as
    access to elevators is so congested during "high peak" hours. This is due to
    the volume of people residing in high rises.

2599.            The ancient Greeks had a fascination with the planet Mars. They attributed the
    planet to Ares, their god of war, because of its red colour.

2600.            The only lizard that has a voice is the Gecko.

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