10 May 2014

MH370 - Ex-CNN host slams MH370 reports

10 May 2014| last updated at 12:00AM

KUALA LUMPUR: Former CNN host Larry King took his former employer to task over its coverage of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

He said the global news network's coverage of the plane's disappearance was "absurd".

"I miss being live, which I did all my life. And, I miss the big story, though I will tell you, I am glad that I am not on CNN now, with this missing plane," King said this in an interview with the Capital New York website. "That has been turned into the most absurd news story. It was a great news story and, then, it went absurd," said the 80-year-old news veteran.

Yesterday marked the 62nd day of MH370's disappearance. The aircraft went missing on March 8, while en route from here to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew on board.

"The funny thing about it is that in all this time, which I guess is approaching six weeks, the only thing we know is that (the plane) had made a left turn.

"We do not know anything else, so I have learnt nothing. And, all that coverage has led to nothing." In the interview, King, who spent 25 years at the helm of Larry King Live on CNN, stressed the difference between going for ratings and maintaining journalistic integrity.

"While it gave (CNN) better ratings, they were not doing what I consider (to be) great news work which is letting the audience determine what is news," said the former television host.

King said there were several newsworthy disasters that had occurred since MH370 was reported missing.

"In that same period of time, there had been landslides in Washington, the ferry incident in South Korea, the Ukraine crisis, the General Motors recall with 13 people killed but CNN is leading with the missing plane."

Source: http://www.nst.com.my

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