12 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 283 (12/06/2014)

2821.            1 out of 350,000 Americans get electrocuted in their life.

2822.            New Mexico is known as the "Land of Enchantment."

2823.            In 1890, Scott Paper produced the first toilet paper to be available on a roll.

2824.            An elephant in the wild can eat anywhere from 100 - 1000 pounds of vegetation
    in a 16 hour period.

2825.            Some of the other names that were thought of for the dwarfs in the Disney movie
    "Snow White" were Awful, Dirty, Shifty, Hotsy, and Jumpy.

2826.            In the U.S., over 35 million people have used some sort of illegal drug in the last

2827.            96% of candles that are purchased are by women.

2828.            The oldest bird on record was Cocky, a cockatoo, who died in the London Zoo
    at the age of 82.

2829.            A cow averages 40,000 jaw movements a day.

2830.            The reason the soft drink Dr Pepper is called that is because the inventor Wade
    Morrison named it after Dr. Charles Pepper who had given him his first job.

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