29 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 300 (29/06/2014)

2991.            Both Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter, U.S. presidents, were peanut farmers
    at one time.

2992.            A cow releases about 125 gallons of gas per day.

2993.            The Apollo 17 crew were the last men on the moon.

2994.            Spartacus led the revolt of the Roman slaves and gladiators in 73 B.C

2995.            The Mexican version of the Tooth Fairy is known as the Tooth Mouse, which takes
    the tooth and leaves treasures in its place.

2996.            In a day the blue whale calf drinks approximately 130 gallons of milk.

2997.            Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people

2998.            All racehorses in the U.S. celebrate their birthday on January 1st.

2999.            A person would have to drink more than 12 cups of hot cocoa to equal the amount
    of caffeine found in one cup of coffee.

3000.            The oldest documented footwear found was a 8,000 year-old sandal found in a
    cave located in Missouri, USA.

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