2 July 2014

GREAT FACTS - Top 10 Beautiful yet very Deadly Things

Article by lipika bhattacharya

Over the years of evolution, nature has witnessed the nexus and extinction of many of its own creations. Some pretty, some not very beautiful and some are simply dangerous. However there is a class which includes the beautiful yet deadly beings. They can be animals, carnivorous plants, simple plants and even the most exotic flowers of one of their kind. What you should do when you are out swimming or camping, is to stay away from them or use the necessary safety gears while handling. For you don’t want to fall sick and ruin your holidays or worse even fight for your life. As the popular saying goes looks can be deceiving, you should really not think of touching and cuddling with them till you get a clear picture of the one before you. From a tree that can make you go blind, flowers that kill bees, animals that injure you for lifetime to the most surprising being of all, read along. These are anything, but innocent.
10. Dingo
Let us just adopt him. Seriously, look at him, those eyes, that playful grin, lush brown fur. Anyone would want to pet them in a heartbeat. This adorable little thing with a funny name is no match to your crossbred dog. It is wild, untamed and feral in all respects. A dangerous and unpredictable animal, dingo travels in packs. It kills by biting the throat and has many hunting strategies. Do not pet a dingo. It may look all cute and delightful but this is not your pet dog.
9. Siberian chipmunks
Chipmunks are rodents akin to squirrels, native to North America and Asia. The chipmunks are known for their peculiar habit of bursting into a harmonious melody on hearing a musical instrument like piano. True they are known for their aggressive nature, but their aggression is limited to only snatching a food item from your hands. But what is deadly about them is harboring a disease. They are known throughout the world for bringing Lyme disease through ticks and rabies. It can be treated but the detection remains a major issue even today. If there is a lapse of time, the patient can suffer from coma and in extreme cases of heart and neurological issues, die.
8. Doll’s eyes
Doll’s eyes-how can plant with a name so sweet be dangerous at all? Eat it and you will be praying for your life. The green leaves, dainty white flowers make for a wonderful sight. But the berries don’t. They look like the eyes of a rag doll, hence name. These white berries contain a cardiogenic toxin which induces sedation in human cardiac muscles. In small quantities, they cause intense mouth pain. If taken in large amount, they can prove to be fatal.
7. Bottle-nosed Dolphins
You heard it right, yeah! They are intelligent, communicate well, play tricks, learn quickly and can use their fins effectively as hands. In fact they save humans! Swimming with dolphins is considered to be a relaxing exercise, attributed to a dolphin’s smiling face, their cute eyes or playful nature. Then why deadly? Dolphins are violent, even known to kill and thereby play with the carcasses of their dead young and porpoises. This is done when the dolphins just want to have a little fun. Male dolphins particularly show aggression when a female is involved, be it human or their species! Sexual competition drives the dolphins into even drowning their female mates. There have been quite a few reports on such incidents. Swimmers are warmed to stay away from them, as when they get sexually aroused, they become rough. They often isolate the women swimmers who might not be able to escape from the heavy creatures and ultimately drown.
6. Manchineel tree
The name manchineel was given to this plant as it resembles apple tree, be its fruits or leaves. However the manchineel is called the little apple of death! Its milky white sap contains phorbol, a toxin and other such skin irritants. You don’t want to stand under this tree for shade when it rains, if you don’t want blisters all over your body. It is so poisonous that its burning can cause immediate blinding. No wonder these tress are marked with a big ‘X’ or warning sign in red. The potential sap of this tree was used in historian times to poison the arrows. Ingestion of its fruits can produce severe gastroenteritis with bleeding and bacterial super infection.
5. Cone snail
Beautiful shell, isn’t it? The snail underneath is an afterthought and that is what backfires. The cone snail is known for its beautiful shell and that is what attracts the collectors and poachers. On being picked up by its shell, the snail will stick its harpoon into the person. The kind of effect will depend on the snail’s poison as each one has its distinct. The poison contains a neurotic element which can temporarily paralyze you. Severe respiratory problems will start developing and the body will ultimately shut down due to the nervous breakdown. It is advised that if you are stung by a cone snail, immediate CPR should be performed or else risk dying. In extreme cases, full blood transfusions might be necessary to get the poison out of the system. Shell-diving, anyone?
4. Deadly nightshade
The deadly nightshade or belladonna is native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. One of the most poisonous plants in the eastern hemisphere, the foliage and the berries contain potentially lethal tropane alkaloids. Since ages, it has been used as a poison causing delirium and hallucinations. Almost all the parts of the plant contain this alkaloid but the berries are the most lethal. They look beautiful and are sweet in taste which often attracts the children. Belladonna poisoning can be detected by dilated pupils, blurred vision, staggering, headache, rashes, dry mouth and throat, hallucinations and convulsions. The plant contains a drug atropine which slows down the nervous system and hampers the cognitive activities. However it has some medicinal benefits as well such as pain-reliever, muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory drugs. A devil in disguise!
3. Yellow-bellied sea snake
The yellow bellies sea snake is famous for its beauty as well as beastly behavior. Since it is found in the sea and active during the day, you will find it a lot. Can you believe it that one drop of its venom can kill three grown men? Poisoner than a cobra do you think, well no. Its unique ability lies in the concentration and toxicity of its venom. It will attack your muscles, respiratory system and all you would wish for is death. But the effect on muscles takes about an hour and a half; hence the pain will slowly come into effect. Even after the anti-venom is injected into the body, the pain will not subside immediately. Deaths due to yellow-bellied’s bite are the roughest and simply unimaginable. There have been instances where the affected people have complained of severe muscle aches many weeks after the treatment. Say what, ouch!
2. Poison dart frogs
Okay, now frogs are not beautiful agreed. But this species is particularly known for its multitude display of colors on its skin. The poison dart frogs are some of the most beautiful creatures attributed to their pretty, radiant patterns. It is a pity we can’t call them beautiful enough due to their lethality. The distinct feature which makes them stand out among the rest of the not so good-looking frogs is associated with their toxicity and alkaloid levels. The story behind its name is quite literal in its meaning. Tribes have used their secretions to make poison darts for hundreds of years. However the catch lies in the fact, that immediate contact will not be lethal. It will only make you sick until the poison reaches your blood stream. It is beautiful when it is only deadly.
1. Australian box jellyfish
Box jellyfish, sea wasp or marine stingers are the most common names given to this uniquely shaped jellyfish. It has a cubical umbrella unlike the other jellyfish and almost transparent. This shape and structure helps them to move faster than other jellyfish. Divers beware! If you see it or even if you don’t, don’t go about touching it to satisfy your inquisitions. The box jellyfish has been called the world’s most venomous creature. It has up to 60 tentacles, each about 15 feet long. Want to know the number of people it can kill with its venom? Sixty people, yeah you read it right! The good news is not every species in this class is fatal, but the bad news is, they hunt.
Source: http://listdose.com

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