25 August 2014

DIABETES - The Crazy Thing That Puts You at Risk for Diabetes


The Crazy Thing That Puts You at Risk for Diabetes

It’s something you deal with every day—but here’s how to fight back

When you’re frazzled at the office, your heart rate might not be the only thing spiking: Working a stressful job could raise your risk of diabetes, finds new German research.

People who reported high levels of job strain—weighing factors like tight deadlines, conflicting demands, or too much to do—were 45 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes during a 13-year follow-up than those in calmer environments.  Researchers believe that chronic tension stimulates the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can impair how your body regulates blood sugar.

Tamp down your work stress by tackling one of the biggest reasons your heart is pounding: a bulging backlog of emails. The average office worker sends and receives over 100 each day—and sifting through these messages is associated with higher stress, more multitasking, and less focus on the job, a UC Irvine study found.

Your goal: keep your inbox at zero, advises Marsha Egan, author of
 Inbox Detox and the Habit of E-mail Excellence. Do this by moving every message you read out of it. If it’s garbage, delete it right away. Respond immediately to emails you can handle in 2 minutes or less.

Egan recommends creating two “action” folders for any notes that require more intensive follow up: the first for super-important messages, the other for not-quite-as-pressing ones. After you drag and drop, set up a reminder for when you need to work on each task—say, in two weeks for a report due in three. Your messages will be out of sight, but you can rest easy knowing you won’t forget about what you need to do.

Source: http://www.menshealth.com/

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