13 September 2014

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - List of occupational diseases in Poland

List of occupational diseases

In Poland, the first legal regulation on occupational diseases was published in 1919 and it was concerned with contagious diseases, including those linked with  the occupation, which were subject to mandatory reporting. Since 1928 to 2009, valid lists of occupational diseases were published as parts of legal acts in 1928, 1937, 1954, 1956, 1968, 1974, 1983, 2002, 2009. When considering the lists of occupational diseases from a historical perspective of over 80 years’ period, we may note a considerable effect of the developing knowledge in occupational pathology, toxicology, work hygiene and also welfare system on the diseases included in the lists and their descriptions.

The list of occupational diseases binding since July 2009 (J Laws 2009, No. 105, item 869)

Occupational diseases
1. Acute and chronic intoxications with chemical substances and their sequels
2. Metallic fever
3. Pneumoconioses
1. silicosis
2. coal workers’ pneumoconiosis
3. pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis
4. welders’ pneumoconiosis
5. asbestosis and other pneumoconioses due to silicates
6. pneumoconiosis due to talc
7. graphite fibrosis
8. pneumoconioses due to metal dusts
4. Diseases of pleura or pericardium induced by asbestos dust
1. diffuse thickening of pleura
2. diffuse plaques of pleura or pericardium
3. pleural exudate
5. Chronic obstructive bronchitis which causes airflow limitation (FEV1 < 60%
    of predicted value) induced by exposure to dusts and irritant gases, if an
    excess of TLV was documented within the last 10 years in at least 30%
    measurements of occupational exposure
6. Bronchial asthma
7. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis:
1. acute or sub-acute form
2. chronic form
8. Acute general allergic reactions
9. Byssinosis
10. Berylliosis
11. Lung diseases induced by hard metals dust
12. Allergic rhinitis
13. Oedematous laryngitis induced by allergy
14. Nasal septum perforation induced by irritant and corrosive agents
15. Chronic voice disorders due to excessive vocal effort lasting at least 15
1. hard vocal nodules
2. secondary hypertrophic changes of vocal folds
3. paresis of internal muscles of larynx with fusiform insufficiency of         glottis and persistent hoarseness
16. Diseases caused by ionizing radiation:
1. acute generalised radiation sickness as a consequence of whole           body, or greater part of body, irradiation
2. acute radiation sickness of the type of inflammatory or                       inflammatory-necrotic changes of skin or subcutaneous  tissue
3. chronic dermatitis due to radiation
4. chronic lesion of bone marrow
5. cataract due to radiation
17. Malignant neoplasms induced by human carcinogens present in work
1. lung cancer, bronchus cancer
2. pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma
3. neoplasms of haematopoietic system
4. skin cancer
5. bladder cancer
6. malignant neoplasms of liver
7. larynx cancer
8. malignant neoplasms of nose and accessory sinuses
9. malignant neoplasms for which the probability of induction by radiation is greater than 10%
18. Skin diseases:
1. allergic contact dermatitis
2. irritant contact dermatitis
3. oil acne, chloroacne, coal tar acne of diffuse nature
4. candida infections: hand intertrigo, nail dystrophy with paronychia       due to working conditions
5. dermatophyte infections due to contact with biological material           from animals
6. contact urticaria
7. occupational photodermatoses
19. Chronic diseases of locomotor system related to the way the job is
1. tendovaginitis
2. bursitis
3. chronic lesion of meniscus due to the job performed in kneel or           squat position
4. periarticular inflammation of shoulder joint
5. epicondylitis of shoulder bone
6. fatigue-induced bone fracture
20. Chronic diseases of peripheral nervous system related to the way the job is
1. carpal tunnel syndrome
2. groove of ulnar nerve syndrome
3. Guyoni tunnel syndrome
4. common fibular nerve lesion in persons working in squat position
21. Bilateral permanent noise-induced hearing loss of cochlear or sensoneural
      type, amounting to at least 45 dB in better ear as a pure tone average for
      1, 2 and 3 kHz audiometric frequencies
22. Wibration syndrome
1. vibratory angioneuropathy
2. osteoarticular form
3. mixed form: angioneuropathy and osteoarticular disorders
23.  Diseases induced by work under increased atmospheric pressure
1. decompression sickness
2. barotrauma
3. sequels of compressed air breathing
24.  Diseases induced by high or low temperature of environment
1. heat stroke and its sequels
2. heat exhaustion and its sequels
3. frostbites
25.  Diseases of visual system induced by physical, chemical or biological
1. allergic conjunctivitis
2. acute conjunctivitis induced by ultraviolet radiation
3. epidemic viral conjunctivitis or keratitis
4. keratopathy induced by irritant agents
5. cataract induced by infrared or long-wave ultraviolet radiation
6. central retinal and choroidal degeneration induced by short-wave         infrared radiation or visible radiation of blue spectrum
26. Infectious and parasitic diseases or their sequels

Source: http://www.imp.lodz.pl/

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