27 September 2014

PEOPLE OF HIMALAYA - People, Culture & Language

About The People

What tribes are based in the Himalayas mountain range? 
Some of the tribes predominant in this region of North East India and the neighboring the area of Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, parts of West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh (North East India) etc. Only in Arunachal Pradesh itself there are over 80 tribes and sub-tribes of Indo - Mongoloid origin

What food do they live on?
 They mainly rely on plants and yak. Yak provides meat, which give protein and milk, for calcium and to make other products such as butter.

How do they hunt?
 The Himalayas Mountain is one of the major places in the world with a big endangered species of animals. Hunting is a popular activity in the Himalayas and surrounding regions. A popular hunting site is the Garhwal, where hunting is permitted both inside and outside game reserves. Most other parts are off-limits when it comes to hunting because of shrinkage in the population of animals. Only hunters with permits are allowed to hunt in Garhwal. Shooting of some animals is banned altogether. However, tourists have often turned into poachers, killing musk.

Where do they live?
There are many people living on the Himalayas from the Sherpas in Nepal to the Kashmirs in India.

What medicines do they use?
 Most medicines are from the roots of different plants. One of the main plants is the root of Rhododendron anthopogon is used for cuts and wounds and also to make juice.  

About The Culture

What are the religions?
Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism are the main religions that are taught on the Himalayan mountain range.
What are the different myths & beliefs?
The Himalayan myth is that there is a Yeti on the lurk around the mountain range. It is the size of a man, walks upright, has an ape-like face and head and is covered in reddish-brown hair. It is also known as the "abominable snowman", But the Yeti is neither abominable nor snowbound. There have been sightings above and below the snow line.

What are the different costumes they wear? 
There are many different costumes for many various parts of the Himalayas. Here are the lists of area’s that have different costumes:
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Nepal, Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan and Tibet.

About the languages

What are the most common languages?
The most common languages are the languages from the countries that are in the Himalayas, Pakistan, Indian, Bhutan and Tibet.

What are all the languages spoken in the Himalayas?
Barām, Black Mountain Mönpa, Bhutan, Bumthang, Byangsi, Chamling, Choyo, Dhimal, Dumi, Dzongkha, Gongduk, Guìqióng, Hayu, Indian, Jero, Kulung, Lepcha, Lhokpu, Limbu, Lohorung, Manchad, Mangde, Nàmùyì, Nepal, Pakistan, Sampang, Sinhalese, Sulung, Sunwar, Thadou, Thangmi, Tibet, Trung, Tshangla, Tosu, Toto, Wambule, Yamphu & Zaiwa are most of the languages spoke in the Himalayas.


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