23 September 2014

URINARY PROBLEMS - Causes Of Slow Urine Flow: Treatment To Increase The Flow Of Urine

During normal urination, the urine flows smoothly and with force as a result of relaxed urinary passage. Slow urine flow or improper stream of urine flow is said to occur when the stream of urine decreases or when there is interruption in the free flow of urine. You may come across many people who complain of slow urine flow.
In itself it may not be a serious condition but when it is associated with other symptoms such as burning pain, blood in urine, increased frequency, it may be a sign of some underlying disease that you need to address.
Slow urination can occur in any individual and at any age.
The symptom is more common in elderly aged men as a result of enlarged prostate, though there are many other causes that need to be focused upon.

What Causes Slow Flow Of Urine In Children And Adults?

Causes in children:
  • Phimosis: it is a condition in boys and men since birth. In this condition the foreskin of penis cannot be fully retracted over the glans penis. It can give rise to slow flow of urine.
  • Polyp in posterior urethra: though rare congenital condition found in children, when present it is associated with blood in urine, obstruction or slow urine flow.
    The condition can also be accompanied with other congenital anomalies.
  • Meatal stenosis: The opening of the urethra (passage through which the urine is voided out) is narrow. The condition can occur in new born child who is circumcised. In females it is present since birth. The symptoms are slow force of urine, with discomfort and straining. Bleeding at the end of urination is also present. The risk in adults increases after multiple cystoscopy.

Slow Urine Flow Causes In Adults

  • Enlarged prostate gland: also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy, a common problem in men above the age of 50.
  • Urinary tract infection: slow urination due to UTI can occur in men as well as women. There are several causes for urinary tract infection, from deliberately avoiding passing urine when the bladder is full to serious diseases like sexually transmitted disease. Other symptoms may be burning urine, pain while passing urine, pain in lower abdomen etc.
  • Stone in urinary bladder: stone in bladder can cause mechanical obstruction in passage of urine, leading to slow flow of urination.
  • Urethral stricture.
  • Obstruction in the bladder neck.
  • Neurogenic bladder or loss of elasticity of bladder can also give rise to slow flow of urine.
  • Dehydration: when water in the body decreases, the body tries to preserve leading to decrease in its excretion.

Treatment For Increasing Flow Of Urine

Slow flow of urine by itself may not cause any debility except anxiety; hence reassurance to parents or the patient is essential.
  • When slow urination occurs in children, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for detecting various underlying causes. After examining, it can be assessed if the cause is phimosis, meatal stenosis etc. Necessary surgical intervention may be required in some cases.
  • If the cause is dehydration, intake of fluids and water should be increased and 8 to 9 glasses of water should be taken daily.
  • In urinary tract infection, drinking cranberry juice, or drinking few cups of green tea, or drinking coconut water will considerably help to restrict the infection. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.
  • You should also keep the genital area clean to prevent infection.
  • Prevent sexually transmitted disease by practicing safe sex methods.
  • If the cause is enlarged prostate, Sabal serrulata, a homeopathic medicine helps the free flow of urine. However a surgical check up is necessary, and if the enlargement is large and causes much discomfort, surgical removal of prostate is advised by the doctor.

Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/

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