28 October 2014

ACID REFLUX - Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the the valve that separates your stomach from 
your esophagus doesn't function properly and the strong stomach acids 
seep up and burn the soft skin of the esophagus (that's heartburn).

Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Besides heartburn, acid reflux can also cause the following symptoms:
  • Asthma - because the gastric juices seep upwards into the throat, mouth and air passages of the lungs.
  • Chest pain - part of the heartburn sensation
  • Dental erosion
  • Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness
  • Regurgitation - bringing food back up into the mouth

In children, especially those too young to speak, these symptoms may also indicate acid reflux:
  • Abdominal pain above the belly button
  • Extreme pickiness about foods or refusing food
  • Eating only a few bites despite hunger
  • Gagging or choking
  • Poor weight gain or weight loss
  • Bad breath
  • Constantly runny nose
  • Frequent sore throat
  • Sinus infections
  • Nighttime or nagging dry cough
  • Poor sleep, frequent waking

Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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