18 October 2014

CANCER - Coffee may prevent prostate cancer

Your morning latte might be doing more than pepping you up.
Coffee may prevent prostate cancer
A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests men who are regular coffee drinkers may be less likely to develop fatal prostate cancer.

The researchers found men who drank six or more cups of coffee per day lowered their risk of fatal prostate cancer by up to 60 per cent. Those who drank one to three cups per day reduced their risk by 30 per cent. The reduction was the same whether the men drank decaf or regular caffeinated coffee, suggesting the cancer-preventing benefits may come from a property other than caffeine.

Coffee contains several health-boosting compounds that act as antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and regulate insulin, all of which may influence prostate cancer, researchers say. "Coffee has a lot of different biological effects and several of them seem like they might be relevant for prostate cancer," the lead author of the study, Kathryn Wilson told Health.com.

"It's an important source of antioxidants and also has positive effects on glucose metabolism and insulin levels, and it's thought that insulin plays a role in the progression of prostate cancer."

Coffee also appears to have an effect on levels of testosterone and other sex hormones, which "clearly play a role in prostate cancer," Wilson noted.

Regular coffee consumption has been linked with a lower risk of Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstone disease and liver cancer or cirrhosis. Plus, a recent study in Sweden reported women who drank at least five cups of coffee a day were at lower risk of developing an aggressive type of breast cancer.

The study does not show that drinking coffee directly prevents prostate cancer. And researchers do not recommend that middle-aged men (or women) begin consuming excessive amounts of coffee to combat cancer. The study does however suggest an association between coffee consumption and a lower risk.

Prostate cancer affects around 20,000 men in Australia each year, and unfortunately 3,300 will lose their battle with the disease. Men should see their doctor for annual prostate cancer checks from 50 years of age, or 40 years if a family history of prostate cancer is present.
Source: http://man.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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