21 October 2014

COUGH - Whooping cough in adults and children

Learn the symptoms of whooping cough 
and how to protect yourself and your family

Whooping cough in adults and children
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious (and for babies, sadly, even life-threatening) contagious respiratory infection, which usually begins like a normal cold. There may be nasal congestion, runny nasal mucus, fatigue, fever and a cough which gets progressively worse.

The cough tends to be persistent and uncontrollable and may be accompanied by gagging, choking or even vomiting. The sufferer may take big gasps of breath, producing the 'whooping' sound, but this is not always present, especially in older children and adults.

In newborns however there may be no cough at all. Instead the infant may simply stop breathing and turn blue. Feeding may be affected and there may be choking and gagging.

Whooping cough is spread through droplet infection, such as when an infectious person coughs, spraying the bacteria (which is called Bordatella pertussis) into the air, which may then be inhaled by those nearby. Unless identified and treated with appropriate antibiotics people with whooping cough are infectious for the first 21 days of their illness. Once the infected person has started antibiotics they are still considered infectious for the first five days of treatment so should stay away from school or work and not mix with adults, including pregnant women, or children. It is especially vital to avoid contact with infants under twelve months of age, as they are the most vulnerable.

The purpose of taking the antibiotics is both to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms (if given early enough in the course of the illness) as well as to reduce the person's infectiousness. If more than three weeks have elapsed since the onset of coughing, antibiotics are not required since the infectious period should have passed.

Those who have come into contact with an infected person may also need to be treated with antibiotics, particularly if they are potentially 'high risk'. High risk individuals (those in whom infection could be severe or dire) and people who could transmit infection to someone high risk, should be treated with the appropriate dose and type of antibiotics as a preventive measure, both for their own wellbeing as well as to avoid transmitting the infection to another high risk person. This group would include a child under the age of 24 months who has not had three doses of whooping cough (pertussis-containing) vaccine, women in the last month of pregnancy regardless of her vaccination status, as well as those who have come in close contact with an infected person who may have contact with other 'high risk' people.

Whooping cough treatment

Fortunately there is a vaccine against whooping cough, which reduces one's risk of contracting the infection, but unfortunately this immunity wanes over time such that even those who have been immunised can catch it. To bolster fading immunity against whooping cough you need to have a booster vaccine.

Whooping cough vaccine

In Australia we are fortunate that babies are routinely offered vaccination against whooping cough at the ages of 2, 4, and 6 months. They are then given a booster at age 4 and 15 years of age. Adults can also be given boosters and this is especially encouraged for those adults who are in close contact with babies and young children, who are the most vulnerable.

If you are concerned you (or someone you know, care for and love) may have whooping cough, see your GP as soon as possible. Your GP can assess and examine you and, if required, do a test for pertussis and offer appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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