20 October 2014

LOSE WEIGHT - Tips and Tricks for Losing Weight Faster

Doctors recommend you do at least 30-minutes of cardio a day, and weight training at least three times a week. Double the time in which you exercise means you may burn more calories than you are eating. Doubling your cardio time will help you lose weight faster. Create an everyday schedule so that you know you have to Find ways to motivate yourself into exercising, such as listening to fast-paced music or audiobooks while working out.
That doesn’t mean scarf down a double-cheeseburger several times a day. No, researchers have found that eating small meals every three hours will actually increase the rate of the metabolism and actually aide in weight loss.
Dieting should never mean starving, or denying your body. Starving or denying one’s self of food may actually be worse for weight loss, as cravings intensify when the body is denied. Instead, stick to healthy foods that will still fill you up such as:
Sugar-Free Cranberry Juice: Rich with vitamin c, antioxidants and is good for your digestive bits.
Beans: Full of filling proteins.
Asparagus: Rich with vitamins A, B-complex, C, and E as well as other minerals that assist the body.
Olive oil: We’re not suggesting you drink a gallon of it or anything. But it’s true, olive oil contains poly unsaturated fats that reduce hunger pains and breaks down excess body fats.
Kelp and Seaweed; both contain iodine, which creates thyroid hormones within your body that burn fat by raising the rate of the metabolism.
Oats: Rich in fiber, keeping you feeling fuller longer.
Apple Cider Vinegar: A natural detox.
Green Tea: A natural detox, said to flush the body of harmful fluids and toxins, Reduces bloating and may actually quicken your metabolism.
Tomatoes: These vegetables are full of antioxidants and are regarded as a “fat-fighting” food due to their ability to reduce water retention and inflammation.
Salads: Replacing one meal a day with a hearty salad means you’re still getting full, while ingesting the “right” kinds of calories. Salad and leady greens also improve digestion.
One tip to losing weight faster is with the use of water. Studies show that drinking one glass of water before and after eating a meal can actually help prevent you from over-eating, and will help you stay hydrated. This happens because water works as an appetite suppressant. Using this method has an average reduction rate of 75-calories per meal. Weight loss experts recommend drinking at least 8-9 glasses of (here’s the key) ice cold water a day. Drinking ice cold water may actually help burn calories.
Not only does ingesting water help aide in weight loss, but so does the replacement of other drinks with water. Giving up soda may actually help you lose weight; up to almost 35 pounds a year depending on weight, age and drinking habits. Soda is bad for your teeth, weight, and blood sugar. Water helps with weight loss, hydration, and the appearance of the skin. I think we see a clear winner.
Another drink to cut out from your diet when trying to lose weight quickly is alcohol. One glass of wine contains 100 calories. How many glasses are you having per-night? Drinking 8 glasses of wine per-week can result in an extra 1600 calories a week. That’s generally how many calories you’re supposed to intake within one day. Cut alcohol out of your diet and start seeing results.
Cleanses, or “detox diets” are juice-based diets that are designed to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and aide in weight loss. The Lemonade Detox Diet is a popular one for weight loss. The drink consists of cayenne pepper, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and spring water. These ingredients are mixed together and ingested instead of meals. Each drink is followed by a “salt water flush”; one tablespoon of sea salt into one liter of water.
Some dieters have reported losing up to 10 pounds in a week on this diet, as no solid foods are allowed. This diet should be followed with caution, and it should be reported that dieters can experience pains associate with excretion, as well as bowel movements lasting up to an hour. It should also be noted that once you go back to eating your diet as you did before you may experience a “yo-yo” dieting affect where you gain much, or some of the weight back.
The military diet is a strictly regimented diet designed to fill you up and burn belly fat. This diet does so by eating high protein foods that keep you energized and full. There are many meal plans available online for those interested in the military diet. The military diet can be done on an ongoing basis, but is usually recommended to only be done three days of the week. An example of a meal on this diet would be one hardboiled egg, one cup of cottage cheese, and 5 saltine crackers for lunch.
The purple diet consists of a diet plan where, you guessed it; you only eat foods that are purple and dark red in color. This diet plan has been attributed to quick, healthy weight loss and was even touted by Mariah Carrey as how she got her post-baby body back in shape.
While slipping into that new “two-sizes-too-small” dress within a week may seem enticing, don’t do this at the expense of your metabolism. Starving yourself, skipping meals, or bulimia may be popular choices for “quick-fix” weight loss options, they actually result in more harm than good.
Skipping meals or fasting can actually slow down your metabolism. When the metabolism slows down, it actually latches onto more fat once you do begin eating again. This happens because the metabolism goes into “starvation mode” and actually leeches off more fat then it would have if you’d been eating properly because now your body doesn’t know when it will get nutrients again.
Source: http://www.bitofhealth.com/

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