20 October 2014

WELLNESS - Stay fit in the office

Staying fit whilst working in an office can be a challenge

Stay fit in the office
It's an unfortunate fact, but the majority of us spend much of our lives sitting behind a desk. All the same, it is possible for career types to get and stay fit.
  • Take a break. No matter how stressed you feel, take at least two breaks a day: one in the morning, one in the mid-afternoon. Use the time to take a brisk walk. This will burn a few extra kilojoules and recharge your mental and physical batteries.
  • Have a conference walk with colleagues to brainstorm or solve problems. Movement has a way of simultaneously opening up the creative mind while shutting down the critical mind. And it's good exercise.
  • Walk to lunch. Pick a few restaurants that are a 10- to 15-minute stroll away and get moving. Oh, and walk back too.
  • Discuss matters in person. Skip the email and phone. When you need something from someone in your office, make it a point to get out of your chair and physically place yourself in the same space as the person you are talking to.
  • Even if you have a parking spot at work, park at least a block (preferably two or three) away from the office. A short, brisk walk will boost energy and burn kilojoules.

Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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