8 November 2014

ALCOHOL - Treatment of Alcoholism

Recognising you have a problem is the first step 
to beating alcohol dependency

Treatment of alcoholism

To diagnose alcoholism a GP will look at symptoms and may examine you. They will also ask you questions about your drinking such as if you feel you should cut down your alcohol consumption, if you feel guilty about your drinking, if you are irritated by criticism of your drinking by others and if you drink first thing the morning.
Your answers will help them to recommend the most appropriate support group of alcohol treatment program to assist you in cutting down or stopping drinking entirely.
Evidence suggests cutting down on alcohol or ceasing drinking entirely is more achievable if it's supported in some way such as through a group, family support or through counselling.
Long-term support programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, will assist in someone with alcohol dependency abstaining from alcohol completely by providing:
  • Medical care
  • Counselling and therapy to help people learn to control thoughts and behaviours
  • Mental health support

Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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