1 November 2014

BULIMIA - Common signs of Bulimia

People with bulimia often fall within the normal range 
of weight for their height but are have a fear of 
gaining weight and are obsessed with food.

Common signs of bulimia
Symptoms of bulimia include:
1) Visiting the toilet after eating to vomit.
2) Hoarding food and eating in secret.
3) Over exercising.
4) Moodiness and depression.
5) Tooth decay
6) Fatigue
7) Constipation
8) Irregular periods
9) Anti-social behaviour
As with other eating disorders, bulimia typically develops from a combination of factors – emotional, physical or social. The reasons differ between individuals but can include factors such as low self-esteem, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, stress, relationships with friends and family and a tendency towards perfectionism.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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