24 November 2014

ISRAEL - Israeli soldier: 'I killed 13 childrens today and ur next muslims'

Israeli soldier: 'I killed 13 childrens today and 

ur next muslims'

Friday, 01 August 2014 10:09

"I [sic] killed 13 childrens [sic] today and ur [sic] next f****** muslims [sic] go to hell b******," Israeli sniper David Ovadia posted on his Instagram account yesterday.
Ovadia directed the comment at a fellow Instagram user who appears to be a Palestinian woman.
The comment was made in response to a picture Ovadia posted of himself laying on the ground aiming his sniper rifle, while dressed in army fatigues. It was quickly spread across social media networks and his account was subsequently closed down.
Since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza more than 316 children have been killed, while more than 2,300 have been injured.
Human rights groups have condemned the targeting of women and children by the Israeli army in particular its shelling of hospitals and UN schools which have been used as shelters for displaced Palestinians.
They have gone on to demand soldiers be held internationally accountable for the deaths of civilians, especially those who are proud of killing children and women.

Source: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/news/middle-east/13162-israeli-soldier-i-killed-13-childrens-today-and-ur-next-muslims

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