25 November 2014

U.S. - ISIL terrorists are currently on US soil: Tim McClellan

ISIL terrorists are currently on US soil: Tim McClellan

News ID:55670
Publish Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:02:38 GMT
Service: U.S.

American political analyst Tim McClellan says that there are some ISIL terrorists in the US who have entered the country through the US-Mexico border.

“They’re currently on US soil. They’ve been caught crossing the Mexican border. There is quite a few in the country now,” McClellan, president of Political Strategist, Inc., told Press TV on Monday.

Commenting on the ISIL terrorist organization, he said that “the CIA trained the ISIS (ISIL) group to take over the government in Syria,” but  they went “wild with it and they created their own group and they’re terrorizing the world now.”

He said that the United States made a bigger mistake and that was to eradicate the group using airstrikes which have yielded any results so far except killing innocent people.

“A bombing campaign had no chance of working, you’re dropping a bomb from 30,000 feet you cannot tell where it’s going to hit or who it’s going to hit,” McClellan said.

“The likelihood it’s going to hit an enemy target is pretty slim. The likelihood that it’s going to hit innocent person is very high so that campaign does not work,” he added.

The analyst also criticized President Barack Obama’s strategy against ISIL, saying he has done “too little, too late.”

On a report that an unnamed woman, the last American citizen held hostage by ISIL, might be the next victim of the Takfiris’ unmerciful murders, he said  “the likelihood of her coming back based on their (ISIL) track record is very slim.”

The identity of the American woman has been withheld at the request of her family fearing her safety, current and former US officials told The Daily Beast.

If beheaded by ISIL, she would become the first foreign female victim killed in the terrorist group’s videos.

Source: http://www.iran-daily.com/News/55670.html

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