27 March 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Guideline to Developing Discipline at Work


By Faudzil Harun

1.  Establish a Disciplinary Committee

     1.1  Select members that can demonstrate leadership quality.
     1.2  Select members from every level.
     1.3  Give recognition to the committee.
     1.4  Provide appropriate training.

2.  Establish Disciplinary Rules

     2.1  Arrange the features of the rules.
     2.2  Seek advice on the drafted rules.
     2.3  Revise, if necessary.
     2.4  Get it approved.

3.  Train Supervisors

     3.1  Explain the objectives
     3.2  Explain the affect of unattended indiscipline.
     3.3  Describe the handling procedures.
     3.4  Provide training to specific task.

4.  Communicate the Rules

     4.1  Issue out rules to the employees.
     4.2  Explain the rules to the employees.
     4.3  Issue out notice (date which the rules will be enforced).
     4.4  Provide a time frame for employees to make adjustments.

5.  Launch and Enforce the Rules

     5.1  Practise consistently.
     5.2  Practise fair trials.
     5.3  Practise fair judgement.

6.  Review for Continual Improvement

     6.1  Review the suitability and effectiveness from time to time.
     6.2  Make improvements, if necessary.
     6.3  Communicate the changes to the employees.