28 April 2013

OBESITY - Body Fat

What are other factors associated with obesity?

  • Ethnicity. Ethnicity factors may influence the age of onset and the rapidity of weight gain. African-American women and Hispanic women tend to experience weight gain earlier in life than Caucasians and Asians, and age-adjusted obesity rates are higher in these groups. Non-Hispanic black men and Hispanic men have a higher obesity rate then non-Hispanic white men, but the difference in prevalence is significantly less than in women.
  • Childhood weight. A person's weight during childhood, the teenage years, and early adulthood may also influence the development of adult obesity. For example,
    • being mildly overweight in the early 20s was linked to a substantial incidence of obesity by age 35;
    • being overweight during older childhood is highly predictive of adult obesity, especially if a parent is also obese;
    • being overweight during the teenage years is even a greater predictor of adult obesity.
  • Hormones. Women tend to gain weight especially during certain events such as pregnancymenopause, and in some cases, with the use of oral contraceptives. However, with the availability of the lower-dose estrogen pills, weight gain has not been as great a risk.