16 April 2013

OSH MANAGEMENT - Work Place Safety and Health Policy


By Faudzil Harun

OSH Policy, Plans and Procedures

●  The OSH policy is the basis upon which effective OSH plans are built.

●  The OSH policy states the organization's OSH objectives and provides the framework for
    achieving those objectives.

●  The roles and responsibilities of managers, supervisors and employees in implementing
    the OSH policy and procedures are also clearly defined.

●  The OSH policy must be supported by specific plans and procedures relating to more
    specific OSH matters e.g. manual handling, chemical storage, forklift operation, emergency
    preparedness etc.

●  The OSH policy is signed by the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the OSH

●  The OSH policy is dated and displayed at strategic locations at the workplace.

Good Organization Shows the Following :

●  Senior managers are held accountable to achieve the objectives in OSH policy.

●  Line managers and supervisors need to be responsible and held accountable for safety
    and health of their subordinates and to have been given the skills and resources to fulfill
    these responsibilities.

●  Management commitment is demonstrated by management's willingness to take action
    to improve safety and health conditions, meeting the aims and objectives of written OSH
    policy. The plan is to ensure that OSH policy is implemented.

●  All employees have been given an explanation of their OSH responsibilities, the location of
    OSH policy, plans and procedures. All documents are in a language and format which all the
    employees can understand.

●  A policy has been developed for external contractors who undertake on the premises or
    who carry out work under the supervision and control of the employer. The contract used for
    engagement of external contractors include competency requirements and OSH

●  OSH policy. plans and procedures are reviewed regularly for continual improvement.