30 May 2013

HEALTH - Exercise smart, not hard!

Exercise smart, not hard!

Dr Kuljit Singh
 | May 30, 2013
The concept is simple enough – raise your heart rate eight to nine times for 30 seconds each time, with 90 seconds to recover between each burst of activity.


If you could lose weight, build muscle mass, create stronger bones and look years younger in under half an hour three times a week, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to do it?
Called Peak 8, it’s a high intensity training protocol created by Phil Campbell, a famous strength and conditioning coach. Others have also promoted this concept in gyms under various names like Peak Fitness, Interval Training and Afterburn.
How it works
The concept is simple enough – raise your heart rate eight to nine times for 30 seconds each time, with 90 seconds to recover between each burst of activity.
With a three-minute warm up and a two-minute cool down, all you would have spent on your Peak 8 workout is roughly 20 minutes. Do this twice to three times a week, and you’ll be in the peak of health for the rest of your life.
As fantastic as Peak 8 sounds, I believe that 30 seconds is too short a period for you to satisfactorily raise your heart rate to 80% of its resting rate, which is what you should aim for.
I prefer the training protocol called Afterburn as I believe that this is the workout that is way more realistic and effective for sustained weight loss.
Afterburn may take slightly longer than Peak 8 as each burst of activity last between two to three minutes after which the intensity is reduced while you still keep moving for 90 seconds. Then the next two to three minute burst of activity takes place until you’ve completed a total of eight high-intensity sessions.
Why it works
A recent study showed that people who exercise by short bursts of activity successfully increased their human growth hormone (HGH) levels by 530% post workout. HGH is important for the following reasons:
stimulates cell reproduction
maintains proper function of the brain
maintains proper function of bone tissues
maintains muscle mass
keeps metabolism and energy levels up
promotes cell division and DNA repair
Tailor-make it
The beauty of the Peak 8 or Afterburn protocol is that you can tailor-make it to suit your preferences. Not everybody likes to jog. Some people find walking boring. And some don’t like cycling whether at the gym or out in the sun.
So choose an exercise you like even if it’s jumping rope or using the elliptical machine. Only remember, you want to raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 30 seconds, then slow down for 90 seconds before your next burst of activity. Never stop completely – remember to keep moving.
Aim for eight bursts but if you can only manage four or six when you first start, that is good enough. Pushing yourself unreasonably will only cause you to tear a muscle, suffer a sprain or crush your desire to keep at the Peak 8 protocol for the long run.
Be creative
If walking is your choice of exercise, bump up the intensity by walking at a furious pace before breaking the momentum and slowing down to a leisurely pace for the 90-second recovery period. Or you could tackle a steep slope or walk fast up a long flight of stairs.
You can even add variation to your workout routine by jumping rope, then switching to lunges or jumping jacks until you complete your eight bursts of activity. The choice is yours.
Maximise high production
To start you off on the right foot, remember to refrain from eating any kind of sugar for two hours after the workout. This is because sugar greatly limits the production of HGH, decreasing the effectiveness of all that hard work.
Do remember that sugary foods and drinks will include any kind of fruit or fruit juice as well as bread, pasta, rice or even breakfast cereal. Eat a high-protein meal instead.
Relish the benefits
If you observe the Peak 8 or Afterburn training protocol you can look forward to feeling and looking your best for many years to come no matter what your current age…
Less body fat
Better muscle tone
Firmer, thicker skin
Less fine lines and wrinkles
Greater energy
Greater libido
Dr. Kuljit Singh is a practising physician and runs the Damansara Heights Wellness Clinique.

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