22 May 2013

HEALTH - Burn Fat With Metabolic Conditioning

Anis Ramli
May 22, 2013

Why this fitness routine will give you a leaner physique.

Metabolic conditioning has become today’s popular catchphrase among fitness enthusiasts. The reason its fast catching on is because its high-intensity training expends more energy, torches fat faster, giving you letting you great gains such as weight-loss or lean-muscle gain.
Plus, you can perform metabolic conditioning routines in short periods of time – great for those who don’t have an hour to spare. The only thing you need to remember – and be honest about it – is to do the workouts intensely. This means giving it all you’ve got.
The science of metabolic conditioning, or metcon as it’s commonly known, is this: You’re working out to engage all of your body’s energy systems by combining aerobic, anaerobic and phosphagen (ATP-PC) resynthesis exercises. The mishmash of these activities will help you achieve higher metabolism. Don’t worry if you don’t quite get the chemical process. Suffice to know that one of metcon’s primary advantages is you’ll continue to burn calories up to eight hours post exercise. In other words, metcon allows you to workout in less time compared to the traditional exercise programme without sacrificing any of the benefits of working out.
Metcon routines can be done in many ways. One of the most popular is by doing it repeatedly as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in a given duration of time. In this situation, to achieve ‘metcon’, effort is crucial. The key to reaping metcon’s multi-fold rewards is to perform each exercise as though it’s your last workout. It is intense, and you will sweat and be left breathless.
For starters, try this simple 20-minute workout. Always warm-up before starting a session. For 10 minutes, perform each of these exercises for 12 repetitions: squats, push ups, sit ups and burpees, and repeat the protocol in as many rounds as possible (AMRAP). Take a 2-minute rest. You’re going to repeat the same exercise protocol, but this time decrease the repetitions to 8 for each exercise, and do as many rounds as possible for 8 minutes. Cool down. If you’ve done it with maximum effort, you will continue to burn calories the entire day, long after the workout’s done.
To gain more from metabolic conditioning, it does not matter what type of exercise you prefer. You can make your favourite workout or equipment (TRX Suspension Trainer, jump rope, kettlebells, etc) more metabolically challenging by doing the exercise in a circuit format with less rest intervals in between each exercise. Remember, it’s the intensity and duration of the exercise that determines the metcon results