12 May 2013

CHEMICAL SAFETY - Risk Control Strategies


By Faudzil Harun

1.  Eliminate the hazard
     > Eliminate the hazard at source.

Question that can assist you to make decision :
●  Does the substance really need to be used in the process?
●  Can the process redesigned to eliminate the substance?
●  Are the substance which are in storage area and have not been used for 
    a long time really necessary?          

Example of Elimination :
●  Using a physical process rather than a chemical process to clean an object 
    (e.g. the use of ultrasound).
●  Using clips, clamps or bolts instead of adhesive.
●  Having the chemical supplied in a ready to use size container so that 
    decanting/transferring and relabeling is not required.                   

2.  Substitute for a lesser risk                                                 
     > Substitute the hazard giving rise to the risk with one that presents a
        lesser risk.

3.  Isolate the hazard from the person at risk
     > Separate the hazard in time or space from the person at risk.

4.  Use engineering controls                
     > Make physical changes to equipment or the environment e.g. redesign,   
        modification and installation of system or device to reduce the risk to 
        expose / contact.

Example of Engineering Control :
●  Isolate the hazard or process to minimize the number of people exposed 
    to risk.
●  Installation of Local Exhaust Ventilation system (LEV), exhaust fan, 
    smoke evacuator, noise trap (enclosure), silencer, scrubber, vacuum pump 




5.  Use administrative controls                        
     ●  Selection and recruitment of suitable person.
     ●  Provide appropriate training.
     ●  Provide proper attire.
     ●  Monitor and supervise the person at work.
     ●  Implement work safe procedure.
     ●  Change work methods 
     ●  Communicate the hazard (signage, labeling & guidelines).
     ●  Practice good housekeeping.
     ●  Control the purchasing, receiving, storing and transferring of hazardous 
     ●  Review job routine (reducing the exposure duration).
     ●  Conduct employee consultation.
     ●  Establish medical surveillance programmes.
     ●  Conduct safety audit, review and implement corrective action.
     ●  Plan emergency plan and drill the plan.

6.  Use personal protective equipments (PPE)
     There are indeed 2 situations where the use of PPE is vital in hazard 
     control :

     ●  When carrying out hazardous operations.
     ●  In emergency situations or when conducting investigation where the 
         levels of hazard are unknown.

Important Safety Points :
●  We should not confuse the role of PPE as a control measure with its more 
    widespread role as precaution … as last line of defense should an accident 
●  At times, more than one control strategies is required.
●  Risk control strategies must be audited, reviewed and continual 
    improvement is required.