3 June 2013

EVIDENCE - The Basics of Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial evidence is also referred to as indirect evidence. This evidence plays an essential role in criminal cases because both parties involved is given the opportunity to gather circumstantial evidence to better defend and state their side. This kind of evidence could lead to conviction of the defendant if there are numerous evidences presented and other factual information that would better explain and prove their side of story that would be of help as well to decision of the court and the judge. One example of a circumstantial evidence is a testimony coming from the witness that he found someone holding a smoking gun at the place where the crime happened. This evidence could be use against the opposing party.

Circumstantial evidence gives a more creative and clearer view of certain evidences. But there are some circumstances that the presentation of such evidence could totally make the side lose. This is why it is very important to be careful in gathering Circumstantial evidences to avoid misinterpretations and so that it would still serve its purpose of showing and representing an essential picture of evidence. Evidences play an important part on the case. These evidences could either contribute to the success of the case or not this is why it is very important to carefully gather these and don’t let anyone steal or revise them. In this way, those who deserve to suffer due to the crimes they have done would be given the appropriate punishment and those innocent would stay away from the trouble.


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