25 June 2013

MAGIC - Do these pictures reveal secret of Dynamo's double-decker bus trick?

Do these pictures reveal secret of Dynamo's double-decker bus trick? Fellow illusionist pulled off levitation stunt with a fake arm

  • -  Photographs emerge of artist Johan Lorbeer performing similar act
  • -  One shows a metal pole which appears to have supported his weight
  • -  Dynamo, 30, could have been using fake right arm for 'levitating' trick
  • -  Magician shocked London onlookers on Sunday by appearing to float

He left many of us scratching our heads as to how he did it - but we may now have the answer.
With a beaming smile on his face, celebrity illusionist Dynamo was pictured floating across Westminster Bridge on Sunday while ‘levitating’ from the side of a double-decker bus.

But photographs have emerged of artist Johan Lorbeer performing a similar act on walls - and one taken after he got down shows a metal pole, which appears to have supported his weight.

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Similar act: Egyptians look at the fake arm used in Johan Lorbeer's 'levitating' act in Cairo in 2008
Similar act: Egyptians look at the fake arm used in Johan Lorbeer's 'levitating' act in Cairo in 2008

This has led Australian website news.com.au to conclude Dynamo, 30, was in fact using a fake right arm for his magic trick on the bus - with his real arm tucked inside his clothing.

Mr Lorbeer has performed a similar stationary act in Egypt, France, Spain and Germany, which sees him appear to defy the laws of gravity and be able to float 10ft off the ground.

    Remaining in these positions for hours at a time for his 'still life' performances, the German-born artist said that he is acting in the manner of a sculpture or statue.

    Bradford-born Dynamo, whose real name is Steven Frayne, had travelled alongside the two-storey bus in central London with the palm of his hand apparently placed on the roof.

    He hung in mid-air with his other arm stretched out as he crossed Westminister Bridge. A police escort cleared the way for Dynamo’s daring feat, ensuring there was no traffic around the bus.

    Dynamo 'levitates' next to a bus as it travels across London's Westminster Bridge
    German artist Johan Lorbeer shows his still-life performance in Marseille, France, in June 2007
    Compared: Artist Johan Lorbeer (right) shows his still-life performance in Marseille, France, in June 2007. The act was similar to Dynamo's 'levitation' (left) next to a bus as it travelled across Westminster Bridge on Sunday

    Wacky; Dynamo, of Bradford, West Yorkshire, whose real name is Steven Frayne, had travelled alongside the two-storey bus in central London with the palm of his hand apparently placed on the roof
    Wacky; Dynamo, of Bradford, West Yorkshire, whose real name is Steven Frayne, had travelled alongside the two-storey bus in central London with the palm of his hand apparently placed on the roof 

    A man gives something to drink to German artist Johan Lorbeer who was presenting his act on a wall in Malaga, Spain, in January 2010
    Pedestrians look at German artist Johan Lorbeer showing his still-life performance in Chemnitz, Germany
    Refreshing: A man gives German artist Johan Lorbeer something to drink as he presented his act on a wall in Malaga, Spain, in January 2010 (left). He did a similar performance in Chemnitz, Germany, in April 2007 (right)

    Viewers of the magician's TV show are used to seeing him perform surreal stunts, but fans who travelling in the bus for the stunt in partnership with the drink Pepsi Max looked on in amazement.

    Dynamo is behind the Magician Impossible TV programme and gained notoriety when he 'walked' across the River Thames in 2011 to promote a new series of the show.

    The magician has built his name on the celebrity circuit, astounding famous names with his tricks.

    His previous tricks have included making actor Matt Lucas levitate before an audience, and turning signed lottery tickets into cash in front of singer Robbie Williams and presenter Davina McCall.

    A spokesman for Dynamo declined to comment when approached by MailOnline today.

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