7 June 2013

STRESS MGT - Does stress make you eat more?

Life can be stressful, but does all the stress from your work, school and family make you eat more thus making you gain weight? It certainly can. At first, you may lose your appetite when under a great deal of stress, but a person who is stressed for long periods of time will ultimately be hungrier

Your body is designed to stay alive. Your brain tells your body you are hungry as a way to build up its strength to battle whatever is causing the stress

Your brain doesn’t quite understand that the formidable foe that is stressing you out is the unpaid electric bill. When your body registers stress, it starts pumping adrenaline in preparation for your “fight or flight” response. This is great if a wild tiger is getting ready to have you for dinner, but does nothing for that electric bill. All that energy your body sent your way tells your body it needs to replenish and you get hungry. Next time you are feeling stressed and feel like a juicy cheeseburger is exactly what you need; take a walk around the block first. Help expend some of that energy and put it to good use.

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