24 June 2013

OBESITY - 'You got so fat!'

'You got so fat!': Art framing employee not hired 'because he was too overweight' and 'wouldn't fit between the aisles'

Seth Bogdanove, 52, is suing his former employer for firing him because of his weight
Seth Bogdanove, 52, is suing his former employer for firing him because of his weight
A burly Brooklyn man, 52, is suing his old boss at an art framing company who he claims refused to rehire him after seeing his massive weight gain. 

Seth Bogdanove worked at Frame It In Brooklyn between 1994 and 2008, but when he went back in January, his employer Jerry Greenberg was shocked at his much larger frame. 

'Oh my God, what happened to you? You got so fat!' Greenberg said, according to a lawsuit recently filed in the Kings County Supreme Court. 

'There is no way you can work here at your size. 

'You wouldn’t fit between the aisles.' 

Bogdanove claims that Greenberg had asked him to come back to work part-time, but changed his mind after seeing him, according to Daily News.

He said he weighed about 280 pounds when he left the frame shop, and now weighs 350 pounds because of medication he takes for his ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease, a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

But the portly salesman claims he was still fit for work, and was 'hurt' Greenberg had dismissed him. 

'I decided to sue him because he told me I was too fat to work for him and it hurt my feelings and made me feel like less of a person,' Bogdanove told ABC News. 
'I'm the best salesman he ever had.'

Seth Bogdanove, pictured, said he was 'hurt' that his former boss, Jerry Greenberg of Frame It In Brooklyn Inc withdrew an offer of employment because he was too overweight
Seth Bogdanove, pictured, said he was 'hurt' that his former boss, Jerry Greenberg of Frame It In Brooklyn Inc withdrew an offer of employment because he was too overweight

But Greenberg, owner of the Brooklyn framing store, dismissed his former employee's claims.

He said he considered giving Bogdanove some freelance work to do at home, not at his wide-aisled warehouse, but the prospective hire looked ill when he came in to discuss it.

'His clothes were in disarray, he was sweating profusely, he said he didn’t feel well,' Greenberg, who has run the frame store for more than 40 years, told Daily News.

'I told him, ''You don’t look well''. I decided he can’t do any work.' 

    He said gave him a $5 car fare and never heard from him again.

    But Bogdanove denied looking ill. 

    'I had no problem going up the stairs, nor was I sweating,' he told ABC News. 

    In August last year, Bogdanove attempted to raise money through website 'gofundme' so 'my wife can give me the burial I deserve.' 

    He got no donations.

    Jerry Greenberg, owner of art framing store Frame it in Brooklyn Inc., pictured, has been accused of withdrawing an offer of employment to Seth Bogdanove because he was too overweight
    Jerry Greenberg, owner of art framing store Frame it in Brooklyn Inc., pictured, has been accused of withdrawing an offer of employment to Seth Bogdanove because he was too overweight

    Seth Bogdanove is suing the owner of this shop, Frame It In Brooklyn
    Seth Bogdanove is suing the owner of this shop, Frame It In Brooklyn

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