28 July 2013

EYGPT CRISIS - More than 100 people killed and 1,000 injured in clashes in Egypt

More than 100 people killed and 1,000 injured in clashes in Egypt as deposed president Morsi is formally accused of murder and conspiracy with Hamas

  • -  Hundreds of thousands turned out across Egypt for pro-army demonstrations but 
  •    clashed with counter protests
  • -  At least 70 people have died in clashes as supporters of ousted President 
  •    Mohammed - Morsi also lined the streets
  • -  Morsi has been formally accused of conspiring with Palestinian group Hamas and 
  •    of murdering prison officers

More than 100 people are believed to have been killed at a protest in support of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi.

Security forces are reported to have started shooting demonstrators shortly before pre-dawn morning prayers at a round-the-clock vigil in Cairo being staged by backers of Morsi, who was removed from power by the army three weeks ago.

Makeshift field hospitals around the area near the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque were overwhelmed, with one doctor telling the BBC that more than 1,000 had been injured.

The state health ministry said 20 people had died and 177 suffered injuries.

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Followers: This image released by the Egyptian army of Friday evening's pro-army rally shows the strength of support for the security forces and against the ousted president Morsi
Followers: This image released by the Egyptian army of Friday evening's pro-army rally shows the strength of support for the security forces and against the ousted president Morsi

Demonstration: Hundreds of thousands took to the streets as supporters of the army heeded a call to rally
Demonstration: Hundreds of thousands took to the streets as supporters of the army heeded a call to rally

Support: Demonstrations like this pro-army gathering in Tahrir Square on Friday night were met with counter-protests by Morsi followers
Support: Demonstrations like this pro-army gathering in Tahrir Square on Friday night were met with counter-protests by Morsi followers

Support: A Egyptian man waves national flags as an army helicopter flies over supporters of the army in Tahrir Square
Support: A Egyptian man waves national flags as an army helicopter flies over supporters of the army in Tahrir Square

Show of strength: Supporters of the army gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday
Show of strength: Supporters of the army gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday

Lights: Hundreds of laser lights were shone into the sky by demonstrators in Tahrir Square who rallied to show support for the army
Lights: Hundreds of laser lights were shone into the sky by demonstrators in Tahrir Square who rallied to show support for the army

Al Jazeera Egypt reported that 120 had been killed and some 4,500 injured in the early morning violence near the capital's Rabaa al-Adawia mosque.

'They are not shooting to wound, they are shooting to kill,' said pro-Morsi Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad.

Reporters at the scene said firing could still be heard hours after the troubles started.

    The deaths occurred hours after supporters and opponents of Morsi staged mass rival rallies across the country.

    Hundreds of thousands of people came onto the streets after army chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who played a central role in overthrowing the president, called for Egyptians to rally to give him a mandate to tackle 'violence and terrorism'.

    Clash: Security forces fired rounds of teargas at pro-Morsi supporters at a vigil in Cairo
    Clash: Security forces fired rounds of teargas at pro-Morsi supporters at a vigil in Cairo

    Barricade: Supporters of the deposed president throw stones from behind a makeshift wall as they take cover from the police during clashes in Cairo
    Barricade: Supporters of the deposed president throw stones from behind a makeshift wall as they take cover from the police during clashes in Cairo

    Explosion: Fireworks are set off near police and pro-army protesters by supporters of Morsi
    Explosion: Fireworks are set off near police and pro-army protesters by supporters of Morsi

    Warzone: The streets of Cairo descended into chaos as supporters of the army clashed with pro-Morsi demonstrators
    Warzone: The streets of Cairo descended into chaos as supporters of the army clashed with pro-Morsi demonstrators

    Confusion: Security forces said they had fired teargas at pro-Morsi supporters but denied shooting at them
    Confusion: Security forces said they had fired teargas at pro-Morsi supporters but denied shooting at them

    Supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi lay flowers near a trail of dried blood
    A woman cries outside a field hospital in the Nasr area of Cairo where more than 100 people have been killed
    Aftermath: Supporters of President Morsi lay flowers near a puddle of blood, while a woman cries outside a field hospital in the Nasr area of the city 

    Destruction: Stones and flowers are laid next to a trail of blood that has splattered across a tiled floor during the clashes in the early hours of this morning
    Destruction: Stones and flowers are laid next to a trail of blood that has splattered across a tiled floor during the clashes in the early hours of this morning

    But Muslim Brotherhood supporters also staged mass counter-rallies, demanding the reinstatement of Morsi, who was placed under investigation on Friday for a raft of crimes, including murder.

    More than 200 people have died in violence since the overthrow of Morsi, including at least nine on Friday, most of them Brotherhood supporters.

    Mr Haddad said the latest deaths came after police started firing repeated rounds of teargas around 3am at protesters who had spilled out of the main area of the Rabaa sit-in.

    'Through the smog of the gas, the bullets started flying,' he said. 

    Security: A military helicopter patrols the skies above Tahrir Square where hundreds of thousands of supporters of the army gathered on Friday
    Security: A military helicopter patrols the skies above Tahrir Square where hundreds of thousands of supporters of the army gathered on Friday

    Flares: Fireworks were let off above the crowds at the presidential palace in Cairo
    Flares: Fireworks were let off above the crowds at the presidential palace in Cairo

    Split: Both the army and the ousted president have thousands of supporters in Egypt
    Split: Both the army and the ousted president have thousands of supporters in Egypt

    Conflict: Police stand back as teargas is fired into a crowd in Cairo in the early hours of Saturday morning
    Conflict: Police stand back as teargas is fired into a crowd in Cairo in the early hours of Saturday morning

    He claimed 'special police forces in black uniforms' were firing live rounds and that snipers shot from the roofs of a university, buildings in the area, and a bridge.

    State news agency MENA quoted an unnamed security source as saying that only teargas was used to disperse protesters. He said no firearms were used.

    Mr Haddad said the pro-Morsi supporters had used rocks to try to defend themselves. 

    On the podium outside the Rabaa mosque, a speaker urged people to retreat from the gunfire, but Mr Haddad said 'men stayed to defend themselves because women and children are inside the sit-in'.

    Accusations: The clashes came as Morsi was accused of crimes including murder
    Accusations: The clashes came as Morsi was accused of crimes including murder

    Distress: An injured supporter of Morsi kneels on the ground after clashes with riot police in the capital
    Distress: An injured supporter of Morsi kneels on the ground after clashes with riot police in the capital

    Injuries: A supporter of the ousted president is rushed to a field hospital in the Nasr area of Cairo
    Injuries: A supporter of the ousted president is rushed to a field hospital in the Nasr area of Cairo

    Attack: A spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood claimed hundreds of people were injured when security forces shot at them in the early hours of this morning
    Attack: A spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood claimed hundreds of people were injured when security forces shot at them in the early hours of this morning

    Treatment: At least 70 people are thought to have died, while scores of the injured were rushed to a field hospital
    Treatment: At least 70 people are thought to have died, while scores of the injured were rushed to a field hospital

    Makeshift: An injured man is rushed through the crowds to a field hospital on the back of a moped
    Makeshift: An injured man is rushed through the crowds to a field hospital on the back of a moped

    Help: A pro-Morsi supporter is treated in a field hospital following clashes between security forces and demonstrators
    Help: A pro-Morsi supporter is treated in a field hospital following clashes between security forces and demonstrators

    Senior Brotherhood politician Saad el-Hosseini said: 'I have been trying to make the youth withdraw for five hours. I can't. They are saying have paid with their blood and they do not want to retreat.'

    Egypt's army-installed interior minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, said on Friday that the month-old Cairo vigils by Morsi supporters would be 'brought to an end, soon and in a legal manner', state-run al Ahram news website reported.

    Yesterday the country's new rulers accused Morsi of conspiring with the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas and plotting to attack police stations, army officers and prisons during the 2011 uprising against former president Hosni Mubarak.

    During the 2011 struggles, he had escaped from a prison and has now been accused of the 'premeditated killing of officers, soldiers and prisoners'.

    Ousted: Former president Mohammed Morsi has been formally accused of a raft of crimes and is expected to be charged
    Ousted: Former president Mohammed Morsi has been formally accused of a raft of crimes and is expected to be charged

    Backing: Supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi take part in a demonstration in the city of Alexandria, where at least five people died
    Backing: Supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi take part in a demonstration in the city of Alexandria, where at least five people died

    The announcement by prosecutors of the investigation against Morsi is likely to pave the way to a formal indictment and eventually a trial.

    It was the first news of his legal status since he was deposed by the military on July 3. Since then, the Islamist leader has been held incommunicado in a secret location. 

    Besides Morsi, five other senior figures from the group have been detained. Hassan Mohammed, a 30-year old teacher who came from southern Egypt to join the pro-Morsi rally, remained steadfast. 

    'Even if we are going to die, me and my family, we won't leave this place before our president comes back. Even if it takes seven years. We are ready to be martyrs in the name of religion and the nation,' he said.

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