16 July 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Some Costa and Starbucks chilled drinks contain up to 20 TEASPOON of sugar

Some Costa and Starbucks chilled drinks 

contain up to 20 TEASPOONS of sugar

The summer coolers, which are made from a mixture of milk, 
cream and flavoured syrup, have been branded “toxic sugar bombs”

Ice packed: Costa creamy cooler and Starbucks frappuccino

Ice packed: Costa creamy cooler and Starbucks frappuccino

Some chilled drinks sold by coffee ­giants Costa and ­Starbucks should have a health ­warning – because they contain up to 20 teaspoons of sugar.
The summer coolers, which are made from a mixture of milk, cream and flavoured syrup, have been branded “toxic sugar bombs” by one expert.
A Sunday Mirror investigation of the nutritional contents provided by Costa found that its medium Toffee Creamy ­Coolers contain 81.6 grams of sugar – the same as 31 digestive biscuits.
That’s just under 20 teaspoons of sugar in a 450ml cup. It also contains the entire recommended daily amount of saturated fat for a woman.
Starbucks is also cramming sugar into its iced drinks. The Venti (large) ­Strawberries and Cream ­Frappuccino packs 76.2 grams of sugar into a 590ml cup – more than 18 teaspoons.
Anti-obesity ­campaigners have called for the Government to impose limits on calories and sugars.
Dr Ian Campbell, head of the National Obesity Forum, said the stance taken by food companies such as Costa and ­Starbucks is contributing to the obesity crisis.
He said: “The nutritional information for these drinks is quite staggering.
"The ­combination of one of these beverages with, say, a brownie is actually quite toxic.
“You’re looking at a sugar bomb. It’s because of products like this that people are facing an obesity crisis. There can be no responsible justification for it.”
A Costa spokesman said: “Costa takes the nutritional balance of all its food and drink very seriously.
"We have increased the quality of information available in store and online via our Costa nutritional tool.”
Starbucks said: “We promote choice at Starbucks and clearly display calorie content on our menu boards, as well as additional product nutritional information on our website.
“Customers can also ­customise drinks by asking for sugar-free syrup and skipping the cream.”

Sugar shock

The shocking 81.6 grams of sugar in a medium Costa Coffee Creamy Cooler makes up 91 per cent of an adult woman’s daily recommended intake.
For an adult male, it’s almost 70 per cent of the suggested daily sugar allowance.
Having just one of these calorific “Coolers” is the equivalent to consuming:
- Two cans of full sugar coca-cola
- 31.3 original digestive biscuits
- 4 100g Krispy Kreme original glazed donuts
- 12 Jammy Dodgers
- 3 and a half Kit Kat Chocolate bars.
Stabrucks’ Venti Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino contains a sickly 76.2 grams of the sweet stuff.
Though being marketed as a “deliciously cool” summer beverage, nutritional info figures for the Frap show drinking just one is akin to scoffing a whole box of cakes.
The 18 teaspoons of sugar found in the Starbucks blended drink is equivalent to:
- Eating a whole a box of six Mr Kipling Cherry Bakewell tarts.
- 11 Jaffa Cakes
- 12 Milk chocolate Hob Nobs
- 2 bowls of Kelloggs Coco Pops
- 3 Twix chocolate bars

Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/costa-starbucks-chilled-drinks-contain-2050612#ixzz2Z9OKbqYE
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