7 July 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Skim Milk Powder

Skim Milk Powder on wiseGEEK:
  • Skimmed milk powder is widely used in food manufacture, and it is often included by humanitarian agencies in famine relief shipments.Powdered skim milk is also available in supermarkets for home use. Making the powder begins with pasteurizing whole milk and removing the cream to make skimmed milk, just like what is typically found in the chilled dairy aisle of a grocery store.
  • Because most milk is homogenized, making skim milk at home is essentially impossible, unless you have access to milk which has not been so treated. As a general rule, skim milk will keep under refrigeration for five to 10 days. Always check the expiration date on milk and dairy products when you purchase them, and sniff dairy products when you open them to ensure that the contents have not spoiled.

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