3 July 2013

OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT - Negligence of Workers?

By Faudzil Harun - Trans Management Consultants

When accident happened, the first respond usually will be? 

.......... "Negligence of the Worker". Bla bla bla...........


The fact is ......

No man want's to get hurt,
No man want's to be killed.
No man want's to suffer for the rest of their life.

About an hour ago, a fatal accident occured at Ukay Perdana, Kuala Lumpur.

One reporter said "It is due to the worker's negligence". Is it true???

The statement came out prematurely, How could the reporter so smartly blamed the worker?

Even 2 buried worker's faith is not known, the reporter said such a irresponsible words.

Most Malaysians are very much lacking of Occupational Safety and Health knowledge. Most ocupational accident will be investigated by non-qualified employees and blaming worker has been the "Rule of Practice" in many Malaysian Employers and Community in general.

Accident don't just happen, it is a result from "Multiple Causation"  Lacking of Management Control has been the common root cause. Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts are the 2 most biggest contributor.

How about "The dutues to ensure safety, health and welfare of employees and other person at work?" Who is responsible? Who does what?

The missing of correct, clear and specific information, instruction, training, supervision are also being overlooked by most employer.

The authorities must not wait any longer. Malaysia towards 2020 must maintain OSH standard at high level. Educating and Enforcement must work in line. We cannot simply rely on assumptions and hope.

HR Practitioners, Safety and Health Officers and Company's Authorised Managers must lokked into OSH learning seriously instead of getting busy taking disciplinary actions for so called negligence of the worker, which usually is untrue.

If the system is not motivating the people, 
don't dream of improvement.

"No man shall be condemned unheard."

"All contributing factors and multiple causation 
must be investigated sincerely."

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