20 July 2013

TRUE STORIES - 'Electric shock' from an iPhone charger puts Beijing man, 30, into coma days after air stewardess 'died while trying to charge hers'

'Electric shock' from an iPhone charger puts Beijing man, 30, into coma days after air stewardess 'died while trying to charge hers'

  • -  Wu Jiantong collapsed on Monday after connecting his iPhone 4 to charge
  • -  His sister says he shouted 'electric shock' and then fell to the floor
  • -  It comes days after Ma Ailun died in Xinjian, Chin, answering her iPhone 5
  • -  Family say she was answering her iPhone 5 at home while it was charging

A Chinese man has reportedly fallen into a coma after suffering an electric shock as he plugged in his iPhone 4 to charge - less than a week after a bride-to-be died answering her Apple smartphone.

Wu Jiantong collapsed at around 10pm on Monday after connecting his iPhone 4 to a charger at home in Beijing. He'd had the phone for two years.

'He shouted 'electric shock' and then fell to the floor,' Wu's sister told Xinhua news agency, adding that she felt a slight shock herself when she tried to unplug the faulty charger, which she said was not official Apple hardware. Apple did not respond when approached by MailOnline for comment.

It comes a week after an air stewardess was killed by an electric shock when she answered a call on her iPhone 5 while it was recharging on a wet third-party charger.

Grief: Wu's sister cries as she waits for news in the hospital
Faulty? Wu Jiantong collapsed at around 10pm on Monday after connecting his iPhone 4 to a charger (pictured)
Grief: Wu's sister, left, cries as she waits for news in the hospital in Beijing next to the phone which was said to have electrocuted him through a faulty, third-party charger, right

News of the death of Ma Ailun, 23, was posted on the internet by her sister, prompting criticism of Apple among the country’s millions of iPhone users.

‘I want to warn everyone else not to make phone calls when your mobile phone is recharging,’ her sister wrote.
Miss Ma, who was due to marry in August, was said to have bought her iPhone 5 in December from an official store in her home town in Xinjiang province.

Her  brother told a Hong Kong newspaper the phone had been handed to Chinese authorities for examination.
There were also safety warnings about the millions of cheap copycat phones and chargers on the market. Apple products sell out quickly in China, the demand fuelling the factories churning out fake iPhones, iPads and iPods.

    In 2011, 22 fake Apple stores were uncovered in one Chinese city, Kunming, alone.

    Apple promised to investigate the death – a blow for the technology company in its second largest market after the US. 
    It declined to say if it was investigating an isolated case or if it was considering a product recall.

    The safety scare is the latest incident to blight the company’s reputation in China.

    In April, Apple apologised to Chinese consumers and changed iPhone warranty policies, following criticism of its after-sales service. 

    Two years ago conditions at some of the factories making Apple products were blamed for a spate of  worker suicides.
    Miss Ma's brother, Yuelun, told Apple Daily that the family believe she died from an electric shock while answering a call and that the phone and its accessories have been handed over to the Chinese authorities.

    Ma Ailun
    Ma Ailun
    Tragic: Ma Ailun, 23, a former flight attendant with China Southern Airlines, died when she picked up her iPhone as it charged at home on Thursday, her family said. Ma often took pictures of herself with her phone and posted them online (above)

    Dangerous? Ma Ailun, a 23-year-old flight attendant with China Southern Airlines, allegedly suffered a massive electric shock as she picked up her new iPhone 5 to answer a call as it was charging on Thursday (stock image)
    Dangerous? Ma Ailun, a 23-year-old flight attendant with China Southern Airlines, allegedly suffered a massive electric shock as she picked up her new iPhone 5 to answer a call as it was charging on Thursday (stock image)

    Big Apple: The iPhone 5's much-vaunted launch last September saw thousands of Apple fans queue for days outside Apple stores across the world to be the first to get their hands on the state-of-the-art gadget
    Big Apple: The iPhone 5's much-vaunted launch last September saw thousands of Apple fans queue for days outside Apple stores across the world to be the first to get their hands on the state-of-the-art gadget

    Celebration: Greg Parker leaves the Apple Store on 5th Avenue after buying the new Apple iPhone 5
    Celebration: Greg Parker leaves the Apple Store on 5th Avenue after buying the new Apple iPhone 5 in September

    Jubilant: An employee riles up his coworkers outside the Fifth Avenue store to celebrate the new gadget
    Jubilant: An employee riles up his coworkers outside the Fifth Avenue store to celebrate the new gadget

    Her sister then wrote on social networking site Weibo: 'I want to warn everyone else not to make phone calls when your mobile phone is recharging.'

    She said Ma had bought the iPhone in December at an official Apple store and was using the original charger to recharge the phone when the incident occurred.

    Apple, said it had launched a 'thorough investigation', adding: 'We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and offer our condolences to the family. 


    Apple's mobile gadgets have a generally good safety record with few serious defects reported since the first generation iPhone was launched in 2007.

    However, as smartphones become more powerful, with larger batteries needing more electricity to power them, there have been growing reports of dangerous malfunctions that have dogged the firm in recent years.

    February 2013 - Marketing manager Shibani Bhujle, from New York, claimed the battery of her iPhone 4S spontaneously melted, oozing acid that destroyed the handset.

    January 2013 - An Oregon fire crew blamed an apartment blaze on an overheated MacBook battery which dropped onto a mattress.

    December 2011 - An iPhone 4 reportedly began emitting smoke in a plane cabin on a flight to Australia.

    December 2011 - It was reported that an iPhone 4 was plugged in to charge overnight in Brazil when it began to emit smoke and sparks as its owner slept nearby.

    November 2011 - Apple recalled all iPod Nanos amid fears the batteries on older models were prone to overheating and catching fire.

    In 2010, a man in northeast China was killed by an electric shock when making a phone call with a handset that was being recharged with an unauthorized charger, according to the China Consumers Association.

    In 2008 a 3G owner claimed his phone overheated in his pocket and burned his leg while he was asleep.
    But Apple is not the only smartphone maker to have come under fire for faulty gadgets. 

    Just last week, a Swiss teenager suffered second and third degree burns when her Samsung Galaxy S3 apparently exploded in her pocket.

    In May, a Reddit user posted pictures on the site of his charred Galaxy S3, claiming he was 'awoken by a loud noise and a weird squeaking sound' to find it smouldering by the side of his bed.
    'We will fully investigate and co-operate with authorities in this matter.'

    China’s popular social media chat sites, called Weibos, were flooded with posts urging fellow iPhone users not to make calls while charging their phones.

    And many warned to only use original chargers and avoid plugging in cheap copy chargers which are widely available.

    'Be sure to select only qualified, certifiable  products -  the best is the original because safety is most assured. Don’t buy fake chargers!' warned poster Zhao Chao.

    Apple products are  popular in China but new items are quickly cloned by the country’s infamous copy merchants who produce look-a-like fake phones, laptops, iPads and iPods, which are often hard to distinguish from originals.  
    Mobile phones have a relatively low electrical output of between 3 to 5 volts - much less than the 36 volts it takes for a person to feel a shock.

    But experts say if the charger or the circuit has a problem, such as a broken wire, it can lead to a shock of 220 volts.
    Johnny Sin Kin-on, a professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, told the South China Morning Post: 'There is a risk using an electrical device while its installed battery is being charged, be it a shaver or a phone.'

    The iPhone 5's much-vaunted launch last September saw thousands of Apple fans queue for days outside Apple stores across the world to be the first to get their hands on the state-of-the-art gadget.

    Grinning customers were greeted with cheers and high fives from staff as they walked into stores ready to grab the latest hotly-anticipated smartphone.

    It costs between £529 and £699 in the UK and $199 and $399 in the US, depending on the amount of memory, has a larger screen and is lighter and slimmer than previous models.

    The news comes as it was revealed today that Apple has fallen off the top ten list of best-perceived brands in 2013. 

    The tech firm - known for its trailblazing innovation - lost its charismatic front man Steve Jobs in 2011 and then faced a chorus of disapproval over allegations of child labor in its supply chain, not to mention long-reported harsh conditions in its Chinese factories.

    Most recently, the brand was convicted on Wednesday of conspiring to raise and fix the price of e-books in an attempt to dominate the market leader, Amazon.

    Leader: After the death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the brand has suffered some setbacks
    Leader: After the death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the brand has suffered some setbacks

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