24 September 2013

CHILDHOOD OBESITY - Stop Sugarcoating Childhood Obesity

By Douglas Robb

The State of Georgia has created an anti-childhood obesity program that has upset various:
  • fat-acceptance groups
  • anti-obesity advocates, and
  • child-protection experts
childhood obesity psa Stop Sugarcoating Childhood Obesity

They’re concerned that the print/tv/online ads used in this campaign will backfire and cause obese kids to face increased bullying and result in lower self-esteem, depression, and even worse eating behaviors…resulting in even greater levels of obesity and decreased levels of overall health.

And they might be right…if these ads were the only tool being used by the people at Strong4Life.
But it isn’t…as explained during this interview on The Today Show

  • Phase 1 is designed to grab attention…which it has done.
  • Phase 1 is designed to help parents understand that childhood obesity has very real consequences upon the health and happiness of their children
  • Phase 1 is NOT about solutions.
The solutions being proposed by Strong4Life come in Phases 2 & 3.
Hopefully they’ll be spending just as much money and receiving just as much media attention on their message of healthy eating and increased physical activity.

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