23 September 2013

COURTESY - Customer service all about common courtesy

By Joan Endicott

One thing I often remind business leaders is that they’re not alone in the challenges they face with some employees lacking fundamental understanding and motivation for the need to hold and maintain high standards of good customer care.

The truth is, no matter the industry, people are people and the issues are the same. The following is an excerpt of an office memo, sent out to the employees from a very frustrated office manager. There are a few commonalities in this that you may be able to relate to. It also serves as an encouragement in knowing you’re not alone!
“Common courtesy is the basic guideline for all customer relations. Treat all customers exactly as you would like to be treated, regardless of their disposition or your circumstances. Always remember that the customer pays your wages and without them you don’t have a job. You can always go back to a task, such as filling out a work order or stocking a shelf, but you can never have a second chance to make a good first impression. 
Ignoring the phone ringing is a very good way to loose a customer. If the phone isn’t answered by the third ring most callers become annoyed and hang up. They will usually call another vendor before they try our number again. 
Flip, short, and hurried answers or comments are rude and offensive. Take the time to answer all questions thoroughly. Keep a smile on your face at all times, even if you’re mad at the world. A smile can be heard over the telephone as well as seen. 
Greet everyone who walks through the door within thirty seconds. If you are busy, tell them you will be with them in a moment. If you come into the room and see someone looking around, assume they have not been helped and ask them if you can be of assistance. It is better to ask too often than not enough. 
Unless you are helping someone else, never point and tell the customer where to go. Always take the customer to the item or service area. Make sure the customer has all their questions answered before you leave.”
As an employee or customer, does any of this sound familiar? Probably so, since this ongoing challenge in business may have started as far back as Adam and Eve’s “Forbidden Fruit Stand.” It’s a basic business challenge. The universal difference maker will always be in how we respond. Clear expectations and accountability are key to insure employees offer quality service — consistently.
Regardless of the situation or how we feel at any given time, we must insure our customers are the priority to everyone in our business through our words, body language, actions and interactions. When it comes to reinforcing the importance of customer service to the success of our business, we should be like the Energizer Bunny… keep going and going and going. The proof of its value is in that repeat business and referrals you’re getting!

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