29 September 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - What Are the Most Common Workplace Issues?

An unpleasant workplace can be a cause of major stress and unhappiness for workers. In addition to making the workweek unbearable, the inevitable thought of Monday creeping closer can certainly follow stressed workers home over the weekend and ruin relaxation time. Understanding some common workplace issues can help give insight on improving the atmosphere at work. By the application of basic manners and common sense, many of these problems can be improved or avoided all together.

Gossip in the workplace is one of the most common and annoying problems. It's understandable to be interested in co-workers' lives; with many workweeks stretching beyond 40 hours, workers may see their colleagues more than just about anyone else. When gossip rages about sensitive issues, such as a co-worker's failing marriage or a possible workplace romance, however, it can become destructive and create a great deal of negativity. To help calm office gossip, employees should keep any overheard conversations or confidential admissions of other workers private and stay out of conversations where others are gossiping. If necessary, individuals can remind co-workers that none of them would probably enjoy being the subject of gossip.

Communication between management and staff is the cause of a variety of workplace issues. If management is not open to listening or implementing solutions that would make life easier or more efficient for workers, it can be perceived as cold-hearted or uncaring, and lose the respect of the employees. If, on the other hand, workers do not give a manager an honest chance to lead the team and refuse to follow suggestions, the manager may become resentful and angry. In a workplace setting, it is vital that everyone feels that they have an arena to be safely and fairly heard. Management can go a long way to preventing communication breakdowns by setting team meetings and insisting on a respectful atmosphere for all involved.

One of the most dangerous problems in the workplace is office bullying. Workers may feel pressured by a group of colleagues or one specific member to avoid reporting issues or to take part in illicit activities, and that their career is at stake if they refuse. Bullying can easily progress to sexual and physical harassment, illegal work activities, and even violence. Although workers may be afraid to be a tattletale, it is important for the safety of everyone that bullying be immediately reported and handled at once. If management is not listening or takes part in bullying, employees speak to human resources staff or individuals in upper management, if necessary.

Issues that arise in the workplace are not altogether different than those experienced in any group setting from kindergarten onwards. Most revolve around a basic human desire to set up a social hierarchy and dominate, or at least have a safe position on the team. Respect, rules, and good manners are the weapons to dodge this kind of social structure. By ensuring common sense about behavior is applied in the workplace, most workplace issues will dissipate.

Source: http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-the-most-common-workplace-issues.htm

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