29 September 2013

MIGRAINE - Soothe Headache and Migraine Naturally

Headache Relief Tips

In a perfect world there is no such thing as pain caused by headaches. Unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and dealing with headaches has become a day to day issue for most of the world's population. In this article you will read about the types of headaches, how to identify them and effective ways to soothe them. There are many ways to soothe headaches without the harmful effects of prescriptions and over the counter drugs.
The most common headache is usually caused by tension that can be brought on by stress. During a tension headache you will experience light to medium pain that comes and goes for an extended period of time. One effective way to relieve a tension headache is by giving yourself a massage, start by getting comfortable and dimming the lights as bright lights can make a headache worse.
Gently massage the area around the ears with the your fingers. Then massage your scalp by moving it instead of rubbing your fingers across. Next move to your temples and begin massaging in a circular motion applying slight pressure. Also try using this on you neck paying the bottom of the skull the most attention.
The light massage is extremely effective if you simply add 3 or 4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil to a couple of teaspoonfuls of Grapeseed oil and use in a circular motion with the tips of the fingers on the temples and forhead.
Another great way is to squeeze the pressure point between your forefinger and thumb for 20 seconds and then releasing. Do not move your fingers and wait 10 seconds. Squeeze again, do this about 4 times.
Let's Get Rid Of Migraine
Next we will cover migraines. These headaches are often quite painful and can last hours or even days. These severe headaches can bring on a multitude of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting; light, sound and smell sensitivity; you can also have dizziness and blurred vision.
When a migraine occurs try to lay down in a dark, quiet room and rest for a bit, and even take a nap if you like. You can also use a cold compress. Try using a palm magnet, get into a comfortable position in a dark, quiet room, turn on the magnet, place gently on forehead and move it from temple to temple until the pain is relieved.
Last, we will go over sinus headaches. Sinus headaches consist of pain in the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, or in the forehead. These headaches can be accompanied by fever, congestion, and ear stuffiness. You can also use a humidifier or take a warm bath or shower to help loosen the congestion. Using a mentholated aromatherapy product can also loosen the congestion.
Aromatherapy Essential Oils are very effective in helping relieve headache and migraine pain in a very natural and pleasant way. Aromatherapy is certainly one of the most natural ways to relieve stress and tension and some of the essential oils are powerful natural remedies for anxiety and panic attack and in turn bring great relief to headache and migraine sufferers. - But more of that later...
If after trying all of these treatments your headache still persists contact your physician. He may be able to give you a stronger medicine or provide better techniques. This article is only for advice purposes and does not replace a professional health care provider.

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