14 October 2013

BEHAVIOR - How to Understand Why People Do Bad Things

Edited by Rebecca, Teresa, Christoper, Maluniu and 3 others

Sometimes people might do bad things and it can be confusing why. For some people these acts seems incomprehensible, and hard to believe that the acts were in fact committed however if your willing to go the distance and investigate on each individual, then let this article be your guide. We'll help you understand more about these vicious behaviors.


  1. 1
    Know their current mood and situation. Before prejudices it helps that you know what they are experiencing currently. It helps to ask: What mood are they currently in? What could have caused him to act this way? It helps if you can inquire about his situation through a little chat. Talk to him about it; however be careful to know the point at which he is willing to share. Being too inquisitive may not be the best thing to do for some people.

    • Reminder
      • (Their current mood can be signs of their mood at the time he did it and more importantly it shows what emotions the person is currently feeling after doing "bad things". Guilt can be signs that the action was unintentional or forced. Any emotions could be clues linking his personality and the events.)
      • (Take into account their situation. Ask yourself what would you do if you were in his situation? Would you repeat his mistakes or would you consider different. Take into account the pressure he could have been through. Maybe his actions were unavoidable; take into account every variable and every factor available.)
  2. 2
    Know their personality. Are they usually like this? Do they show concern for what they have done? Are there signs of him having a "cold blooded attitude"? Does he have a personality disorder? You must take into account all the sides of his personality.

  3. 3
    Think about possible motives. Maybe he was forced into committing the act? Did he do it for revenge? Was there a motive? Think of every possible reason, and remember to have a good foundation for your claims. Let the evidence be your basis, take into account the variables and testimonies, everything that can help in your inquiry.

  4. 4
    Know their background. How did he act during his younger days? Was he neglected? Did he have trouble with his social life? Are there people who may have influenced his actions? Remember that every little detail helps.

  5. 5
    Formulate a hypothesis. After gathering all the details, you're finally ready to make sense of it all. Now it's time to connect the dots. Add all the details, variables and factors up. And finally when everything is said and done, check your results. Are you satisfied with your results? Did you double check the details? If so then you finally have your reason.

  6. 6
    Compare your results. After knowing what finally caused his actions, it helps if you compare your results with anyone else who may have been interested with the case. How do your results differ? Are they major or minor details? How can you make it that your results and their results comply with a joint hypothesis? After comparing with others, and making a joint theory, only then do you have your final result.


  • Always base your theories on the truth, have a reliable source and make sure that there are no overlooked details.
  • It helps to take notes.
  • People usually do bad things even though they know it's bad. This is the case a lot of the time but to an extent.
  • If possible have the person your investigating help you in your inquiry.


  • Remember that it is in our human nature to do bad things every now and then. However always remember that there are limits in life where bad things are not just your everyday bad things.
  • Remember to have an open mind in your judgment. Remember that nowadays nothing is impossible, people are more than capable of committing unforgivable acts, however you should also take into account that not all people are evil, we should take into account our own human nature, our survival instinct, everything is a factor.
  • Remember that attempting to understand people is very hard, if you have experience in psychology (even if you don't) you know that even with years of experience and training nothing can quite prepare you for each individual.
  • Remember that when doing an inquiry about people, respect their privacy, sometimes it's best to leave some people alone.

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