5 October 2013

CHINA FORCED ABORTION - What is happening to women and girls in China?

What is happening to women and girls in China?
China’s population control program, called the “One Child Policy,” is enforced through coercive measures including forced abortion and forced sterilization.
Since the majority of those aborted are female, the One Child Policy has created gender imbalance that is a powerful, driving force behind sexual slavery in Asia. 
Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Activists Agree: Forced Abortion Is Not a Choice.
On April 22, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned forced abortion and forced sterilization in China. During a Congressional Hearing before  the House Foreign Affairs Committee, she stated that these practices are "absolutely unacceptable" and "an egregious interference with women's rights."
Women should not be treated this way. This is not a political issue. Women’s rights are human rights. 
Learn more about this issue. In addition to sexual slavery, China’s One Child Policy also gives rise to a host of other human rights abuses, such as “gendercide,” female suicide, stolen, “illegal” and “forsaken” children, rioting and violence, ruined health because of botched forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations, an aging population, and oppression of the Tibetan and Uyghur peoples.

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