12 October 2013

EGYPT CRISIS - 11/10/2013 Latest Updates Around The World

  • Egypt's health ministry has said one person was killed and seven injured during clashes between anti-coup protesters and local residents today. The ministry says the death was in Sharkia and that the seven injuries happened during clashes in Damietta.
    by Barry Malone 12:49 AM
    • The Associated Press news agency reports that two Canadians who were barred from leaving Egypt after weeks in prison without charge have now left the country.

      The pair
      , filmmaker John Greyson and physician Tarek Loubani, were arrested while observing a demonstration in support of deposed president Mohamed Morsi.
      by Barry Malone 12:46 AM
      • One of our correspondents in Cairo has been talking to some of the anti-coup protesters.

        Here's what they had to say:

        It doesn't matter whether Morsi comes back to power or not. What matters is putting an end to the bloody military coup, whose only aim was to reach power. We can either hold a public referendum on whether Morsi stays or not, or hold early parliamentary elections. But I’m personally not with Morsi remaining in power - Mohamed Abdullah, 27.

        I'm afraid to walk in the streets alone now. Security forces can detain me at any time just because I'm against the military coup. That never happened under Morsi's rule and, when it comes to the economy, we're living on foreign aid now - Fatma al-Zahraa,16.

        It's a good strategy to avoid clashes with security forces and (to avoid) Tahrir Square, but at some point we might have to sacrifice our lives to free our country from the coup - Sherif al-Adl.
        by Barry Malone 12:27 AM

        • This video, uploaded to youtube, purports to show an armoured vehicle driving into a crowd of protesters in Alexandria. Al Jazeera cannot independently verify it.
          by Barry Malone 11:57 PM yesterday
          • Al Jazeera Mubashir is reporting that one protester has been killed and others injured when security forces fired on demonstrators near Rabaa El-Adawiya square in Cairo.

            More as we get it.

            And watch Al Jazeera TV for updates: http://www.aljazeera.com/watch_now/
            by Barry Malone 11:50 PM yesterday

            • One of our correspondents in Cairo has this photograph of a police truck that was attacked by some of  the anti-coup protesters.

              However, he reports that the crowd intervened to stop the violence, shouting "Peaceful! Peaceful!" at the attackers and asking them to leave.

              by Barry Malone

              The call from the anti-coup alliance for today's protests to be peaceful is obviously being taken seriously by many.
              by Barry Malone 11:41 PM yesterday

              • And another: a boy with a photo of deposed president Mohamed Morsi.
                by Barry Malone 11:24 PM yesterday

                • From one of our correspondents in Cairo: anti-coup protesters march on Ismail al-Qabbany Street in the Nasr City area.
                  by Barry Malone 11:21 PM yesterday
                  • We have a new story on today's protests up on the main site. Read it here
                    by Barry Malone 11:06 PM yesterday
                    • Al Jazeera's correspondent in Cairo, who we are not naming for security reasons, says Cairo's demonstration is the most visible in Egypt today. He confirmed, though, that there have been skirmishes between anti-coup protesters in other cities, including Alexandria.

                      "But these were separated by the police and there were no serious reports of casualties."
                      by Barry Malone 10:36 PM yesterday
                      • Al Jazeera covering Egypt demonstrations live. Streaming here:

                        by Barry Malone 10:30 PM yesterday
                        • Police have fired teargas to break up clashes between opponents and supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi in Alexandria, Reuters reports.

                          "Clashes erupted in Alexandria between pro-Mursi protesters
                           and residents who 
                          oppose Mursi," a source, who
                           asked not to be 
                          identified, told the news agency.

                          "They were annoyed by the protest that included 
                           chants, and it led to security forces firing teargas to 
                           the crowds."
                          by Barry Malone 9:52 PM yesterday
                          • Witnesses now say the injured soldiers may have been hit by a homemade bomb that exploded near a military vehicle. Watch Al Jazeera for updates:http://www.aljazeera.com/watch_now/
                            by Barry Malone 9:27 PM yesterday
                            • Reports are breaking that there have been six explosions in the city of Rafah and witnesses say the attacks may have targeted military vehicles. 

                              State TV has reported that four soldiers are injured.  More as we get it.
                              by Barry Malone 9:25 PM yesterday
                              • Egypt criticised on Thursday a US decision to curtail military and economic aid to Cairo after a crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, although Washington stressed it was not severing ties with its long-standing ally.

                                The army-backed government insisted Egypt would not bow to US pressure, saying it found the decision strange at a time when the country was "facing a war against terrorism".

                                However, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Washington would consider resuming some of the aid "on a basis of performance" in following the interim government's "roadmap" that promises to lead to fair elections.

                                by AJE Staff 2:41 AM yesterday
                                • Egypt's foreign ministry said on Thursday a travel ban has been lifted for two Canadians who were barred from leaving Egypt following several weeks of imprisonment without charge.

                                  Badr Abdel-Atty, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman, said the pair has been cleared to leave Egypt "within hours".

                                  "The prosecutor general has informed us that they are free to leave the country after the accusations against them were dropped," Abdel-Atty told The Associated Press said.

                                  He said the prosecutor has ended the interrogation with the Canadians and has decided to cross their name out from the list of those banned from traveling.

                                  by AJE Staff 2:39 AM yesterday
                                  • Israel hopes the US decision to cut aid to Egypt will not affect the two countries' historic peace deal, a Cabinet minister said on Thursday, insisting that Israeli-Egyptian ties remain as close as ever.

                                    Gilad Erdan, the minister responsible for civil defence, said Israel and Egypt are continuing to cooperate in military and political spheres and that there is "constant contact" between the two countries.

                                    The minister spoke just hours after the United States announced it was cutting hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Egypt in response to the Egyptian military's ouster last summer of the nation's first freely elected president and a subsequent crackdown on protesters.

                                    by AJE Staff 2:37 AM yesterday
                                    • The United States will consider resuming aid to Egypt "on the basis of performance" that encourages democracy through elections, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday, a day after Washington halted some aid to Cairo.

                                      Speaking shortly after arriving in Malaysia, Kerry said the suspension of some aid to its regional ally did not mean Washington was severing ties with the army-backed government in Cairo over the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi on July 3.

                                      "The interim government understands very well our commitment to the success of this government... and by no means is this a withdrawal from our relationship or a severing of our serious commitment to helping the government," Kerry told reporters.

                                      Washington announced on Wednesday it would withhold deliveries of tanks, fighter aircraft, helicopters and missiles
                                      as well as $260m in cash aid in a bid to ensure Cairo follows a political "roadmap" unveiled after Morsi's removal.

                                      "We will continue to make certain the roadmap remains a primary goal for the interim government because I believe they do want to continue the relationship in a positive way with the United States," Kerry said.

                                      "We want this government to succeed but we want it also to be the kind of government that Americans feel comfortable supporting," he added.

                                      Kerry said restoring the aid would depend on steps taken by the Egyptian government to move toward a political transition.

                                      by AJE Staff October 10 at 9:41 PM
                                      • Steve Clemons, director of the US-based New America Foundation think tank, termed the White House's cutting off of aid "significant" and "a sizable hit" to Egypt's military.

                                        "Egypt has been doing none of the things that [the US government] hopes that they might.And after the violence and announcement today of the Morsi trial, the White House is in an embarrassing position if it doesn't [...] take some action. But it's important to know that the White House is not writing Egypt off - they're still a key strategic partner," he told Al Jazeera.
                                        by AJE Staff October 10 at 8:40 AM
                                        • Hundreds of Egyptians on Wednesday held candles, waved pictures of slain protesters and demanded retribution from former generals while marking the second anniversary of the killing of 26 people, mostly Christians, in a military crackdown.
                                          But participants in the solemn vigil were divided about criticising the military over the deaths, a sign of shifting attitudes since the army's ouster of President Mohamed Morsi in July.
                                          The more belligerent chanted "down with military rule", and some even called for the execution of former army chief Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, hoisting aloft pictures of him and other now-retired generals they blame for the deaths. One laid a picture of Tantawi on the street for cars to drive over it.
                                          Other demonstrators rejected the anti-military chants, describing the army as a savior for its overthrow of Morsi after demonstrations demanding his resignation.
                                          After the vigil ended, a few participants marched toward Tahrir Square chanting against the military. They were blocked from the square by security forces, who dispersed them with tear gas.
                                          The "Maspero Massacre", named after the state TV building where armoured vehicles rolled over bodies of Christian protesters and gunned down others on October 9, 2011, was one of the worst incidents of state-perpetrated violence during the military-led transition. Back then, Coptic Christians, who compose nearly 10% of Egypt's 90 million majority Muslim population, were protesting a major lack of security after Mubarak's fall. [AP]
                                          by AJE Staff October 10 at 6:55 AM
                                          • The US is reducing its military aid to Egypt following the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi and the subsequent crackdown on his supporters by the military-backed government.

                                            The US provides $1.5bn in aid each year to Egypt. While the State Department did not provide the total amount of the aid being cut, it amounts to hundreds of millions in mostly military aid.

                                            State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says the US will withhold delivery of certain "large-scale military systems," as well as cash assistance to the Egyptian government, until "credible progress" is made toward an inclusive civilian government set up through free and fair elections.

                                            "The United States wants to see Egypt succeed, and we believe the US-Egypt partnership will be strongest when Egypt is represented by an inclusive, democratically elected civilian government based on the rule of law, fundamental freedoms and an open and competitive economy," Psaki said in a statement.

                                            by AJE Staff October 10 at 5:26 AM
                                            • The United States will announce the future of its assistance to Egypt after making appropriate diplomatic and congressional notifications, the White House said on Wednesday.

                                              White House spokesman Jay Carney said Washington would continue to work with Egypt's interim government a day after reports said that Washington was planning to cut part of its nearly $1.2bn aid.

                                              A US official said on Tuesday the US was leaning toward withholding most military aid to Egypt except to promote counter-terrorism and other security priorities.

                                              Egypt has been among the largest recipients of the US military and economic aid for decades.

                                              by AJE Staff October 10 at 2:27 AM
                                              • Egypt's army chief, who orchestrated the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July, should not run for the leadership in elections due to be held next year, the head of the biggest liberal party told Reuters.

                                                General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has said in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper that now was the wrong time to raise the issue of whether he would stand for the presidency.

                                                But he did not rule out taking part in any contest, and speculation has been rising that the former military intelligence officer under toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak could contest the vote.

                                                "I don't think this is advisable and I don't think it would be a good thing for Sisi and the country that Sisi runs for the presidency," said Sayed El-Masry, head of the Al Dostour Party which is a major part of the country's main leftist and liberal coalition, the National Salvation Front.

                                                "He is doing the country the best favour he can do from his position as a military chief," Masry said in an interview.

                                                "Sisi's nomination will give the wrong image to the world that what happened was a coup."

                                                by AJE Staff October 9 at 11:23 PM
                                                • Egypt's military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi left the door open to a presidential run in elections next year, telling a paper published on Wednesday it was up to "God's will".

                                                  The general is easily the county's most popular political figure after he ousted president Mohamed Morsi and appointed an interim government in July, in response to mass protests demanding the Islamist's resignation.

                                                  "The matter you speak of is tremendous and significant," Sisi replied when asked in an interview with Al-Masry al-Yom whether he would stand for president.

                                                  "But I think the time is not right to ask this question, given the challenges and dangers facing the country which require we focus our efforts on achieving the plan for the future," he said.

                                                  - AFP
                                                  by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:23 PM
                                                  • In video posted Tuesday, the Furqan Brigades described the Monday attack as part of an ongoing war between "Sunni Muslims and infidels who intended to uproot Islam from the land of Egypt." It called for attacks on the military, describing them as "infidels" unworthy of mercy.

                                                    The video showed masked gunmen readying weapons in the dark, followed by several flashes, which the group said were from a rocket-propelled grenade they fired. The attack left a hole in one dish but communications were undisrupted.

                                                    The Furqan Brigades was unknown until months ago when it claimed responsibility for two attacks including one targeting the Suez Canal, which authorities said they foiled.

                                                    - AP
                                                    by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:23 PM
                                                    • Fighters blew up an empty military office in Sinai on Wednesday as an al-Qaeda inspired group said it was behind a deadly police headquarters suicide bombing two days earlier.

                                                      A security official said fighters planted a bomb in a military intelligence office in the town of Rafah bordering the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

                                                      The office had been vacant since July, the official added.

                                                      The blast comes three days after 57 people were killed across Egypt in clashes between fighters and security forces.

                                                      - AFP
                                                      by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:15 PM
                                                      • The trial of Egypt's deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on charges of inciting the murder of protesters will start on November 4, the official MENA news agency reported Wednesday.

                                                        Morsi will stand trial with 14 other defendants over the killings of protesters outside his presidential palace in December 2012, almost six months before his ouster in a military coup.

                                                        - AFP
                                                        by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:13 PM
                                                        • The White House has now weighed in on the matter of US assistance to Egypt, flatly denying that military aid is being halted. 

                                                          In a statement, US National Security Council spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said:

                                                          The reports that we are halting all military assistance to Egypt are false. We will announce the future of our assistance relationship with Egypt in the coming days, but as the President made clear at UNGA, that assistance relationship will continue.
                                                          by Asad Hashim October 9 at 8:47 AM
                                                          • The US Defense Department has echoed the State Department's line on these latest reports regarding possible changes to US aid to Egypt. 

                                                            In a short emailed statement, the office of the Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to Al Jazeera that "the Pentagon is not commenting tonight on press reports regarding aid to the Government of Egypt".
                                                            by Asad Hashim October 9 at 8:37 AM
                                                            • Reports are coming in that the US may be reconsidering its aid to Egypt, in light of the military coup that overthrew President Mohamed Morsi in July this year.

                                                              The Reuters news agency, quoting an unnamed US official, reports that the US is "leaning towards withholding most military aid from Egypt", except for that related to counterterrorism and security in the Sinai area.

                                                              Al Jazeera's Rosalind Jordan in Washington DC just spoke with Marie Harf, the US State department's deputy spokesperson, who denied the report.

                                                              "We do not have any new announcements to make at this time regarding our assistance to Egypt," she said.
                                                              by Asad Hashim October 9 at 8:24 AM
                                                              • Sisi leaves open possibility of running for president

                                                                Egypt's powerful army chief has left open the possibility of running for president in elections due next year, according to excerpts of an interview with the newspaper al-Masry al-Youmpublished Tuesday.

                                                                Since the July 3 coup that removed President Mohamed Morsi, there have been growing calls from the military's supporters for General Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi to run to replace him. 

                                                                Previously, a military spokesman denied el-Sisi had political ambitions. 

                                                                The interview was the general's first direct comment on the issue.

                                                                "I think the time is inappropriate to raise this question in light of the challenges and risks that the country is going through," he said when asked if he would run, according to excerpts posted on the newspaper's website.

                                                                He said attention must not be distracted from carrying out "the map for the future" for a post-Morsi transition, "which will create a new reality that is hard to evaluate now".

                                                                Then he was silent and added, "God gets His way," according to the excerpts. [AP] 
                                                                by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:55 AM
                                                                • Anti-army protest staged at Cairo University

                                                                  Hundreds of anti-government protesters chanted "Down with the military government" outside Cairo University on Tuesday, defying Egypt's army-backed authorities despite deadly clashes with security forces two days earlier.

                                                                  Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi had urged university students to protest against the army following the violence on Sunday, one of the Egypt's bloodiest days since the military ousted the Islamist leader on July 3.

                                                                  State media said 57 people were killed on a national holiday that marks the start of Egypt's 1973 war against Israel.

                                                                  "We are here standing against the coup," said Enas Madkour, a 19-year-old fine arts student at the march near Cairo University, where security forces had parked two tanks and blocked the main road with barbed wire. "I'm against Morsi but I'm not for people killing others and I'm not for the military government we have now."

                                                                  Read more and watch video here.
                                                                  by AJE Staff October 9 at 6:39 AM

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