29 October 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables

Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables
by Dulcie Faison Wilcox

Broccoli is chock full of cancer-fighting antioxidants, plus beta-carotene, vitamin C and folate which keep your immune system happy and reduce risk of cataracts and heart disease. Broccoli is also an awesome source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Is there anything broccoli can't do?

Common orange carrots are betacarotene powerhouses, and rainbow carrots are full of other nutritional assets - red carrots have extra lycopene and purple carrots are higher in antioxidants. Did you know that cooking carrots actually make their nutrients more bioavailable to you? And their nutrients are best absorbed if eaten with a little fat, so feel free to saute with that olive oil!

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