8 October 2013

HOMELESS WORLDWIDE - An Estimated 100 Million People Worldwide are Homeless


An estimated 100 million people are homeless worldwide
Source: United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 2005
An estimated 3 million people are homeless in Europe
Source: Red de Apoyo a la IntegraciĆ³n Sociolaboral (RAIS) 2010
An estimated  15,000 people are homeless in Buenos Aires
An estimated 4,500 children are homeless in Buenos Aires
Source: Red Solidaria
100,000 people sleep on the streets of Australia everyday
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2003.

An estimated 105,000 people are homeless in Australia.
Approximately 44% of homeless people in Australia are female
Approximately 12% of homeless people in Australia are children under the age of 12
Sourcehttp://www.homelessnessaustralia.org.au, 2009
It is estimated that more than 2000 people sleep rough every night in Austria                                                   
Approximately 12,000 people are accommodated by homeless facilities in Austria
Source: Feantsa 
An estimated 1,200 people are homeless in Brussels
Source: De Decker, 2001
In Brazil, there is a deficit of 6.6 Million housing units, equalling 20 million homeless people, who live in favelas, shared clandestine rooms, hovels or under bridges and viaducts, or are squatters, in some of the country's largest cities
Source: Brazil 2000 census

An estimated 2,500 people are homeless in Rio de Janiero
An estimated 10,000 people sleep rough in Sao Paulo
Half of the population of Sao Paulo live in informal shelter
Source: Brazil’s Economic Research Institute Foundation, 2003
Supporting Canda's homeless population costs Canadian Tax Payers CAD$6 billion a year
Source: International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2008.

Women and Children are the fastest growing group of those who are homeless in Canada
Source: Women’s Housing Advocacy Group, 2003

There are 6,100 homeless people in Ontario
There are 3,365 homeless people in Quebec

There are 200,000 Homeless people in Canada.
Source: International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2008. 
There are an estimated 9,654,722 homeless people in Columbia.
An estimated 2,285 people are displaced as a result of conflict in Croatia        
Source: UN figures 0 2402 UNHCR (June 2009)   
An estimated 7,600 people are homeless in Finland
Approximately half of homeless people in Finland live in the Greater Helsinki area
Source: European Federation of National organisations working with the Homeless (FIANCE) 2010
An estimated 1 million people are homeless in France
An estimated 100,000 people live on the streets in France
Source:  http://www.emmaus-france.org.uk, 2007
An estimated 254,000 people are homeless in Germany
Approximately 25% are women
Approximately 11% are children and young people
Source: European Federation of National organisations working with the Homeless (FIANCE)
Homelessness in Greece has risen from 17,000 in 2009 to 20,000 in 2010
An estimated 9,000 people are homeless in Athens
Source: European Observatory on Homelessness             
Hong Kong
52.7% of homeless people are aged 49 or over in Hong Kong
18% of homeless people have not received a formal education in Hong Kong.
Source: Project on Helping Street Sleepers - Paper of LegCo Welfare Panel (2004)      
Approximately 10,000 people are homeless in Budapest
Source: Estimating the Size of Homeless Population in Budapest, Hungary David Beata
In 2003, there were 78 million homeless people in India
Source: Action Aid, 2003

India is home to 63% of all slum dwellers in South Asia
Sourcehttp://www.slumdogs.org, UNHABITAT, 2007
There are 3,000,000 homeless people in Indonesia

An estimated 28,364 people are homeless in Jakata
Source: 2001 Census
An estimated 2366 people are homeless in Dublin every night
Source:http://www.combatpoverty.ie/povertyinireland/homelessness.htm, 2008
An estimated 7,000 people are homeless in Rome
Italy has no official, legal definition of homelessness

An estimated 17,000 people are homeless in Italy
Source: http://www.wantedinrome.com/news/news.php?id_n=3559        
Ivory Coast
An estimated 40,000 people are homeless in the western Ivory Coast 
An estimated 25,296 people are homeless in Japan
An estimated 5,000 people are homeless in Tokyo        
Source: www.street-papers.org/case-studies-asia, 2006
There are 1,250 homeless people in Lithuania
Source: Homelessness in Lithuania: An Outline of the Situation for FEANTSA
An estimated 90% of Malawi’s urban population live under slum conditions
Source: http://www.homeless-international.org/standard_1.aspx?id=1:28496&id=0:276&id=0:262         
In Mexico City an estimated 40% of people live in informal housing
Source: www.unhabitat.org                                                             
More than 70,000 people live in shack settlements in Namibia
Source: http://www.homeless-international.org/standard_1.aspx?doc=1:26148&id=1:28813&id=1:28652&id=1:28486&id=0:262  
An estimated 30,000 people are homeless in the Netherlands
Source: http://www.feantsa.org/code/en/country.asp?ID=12&Page=22   
By 2015, there will be an estimated homeless population of 24.4 million people in Nigeria
An estimated 24,145 Palestinian homes have been demolished in the Occupied Territories since 1967
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7839075.stm    
32.8million, 40% of the population in Philippines, live in slums
Source: Homeless International, 2008

An estimated 1,200,000 children live on the streets in the Philippines
Source: http://www.unhabitat.org    
Most homeless people live in metropolitan areas such as Lisbon and Porto.
Source: European Federation of National organisations working with the Homeless (FIANCE) 2010 
An estimated 5 million people are homeless in Russia
An estimated 1 million children are homeless in Russia
Approximately 3.4%of the population is homeless
Source: Russian Interior Ministry, 2008
40,123 homeless applications accepted in 2008-09
More than 50% are asked to leave their accommodation following domestic issues
An estimated 39,654 people are homeless in Spain
An estimated 6,190 sleep on the streets
Source:  Red de Apoyo a la IntegraciĆ³n Sociolaboral (RAIS) 2010
Around 17,800 people are homeless in Sweden
Source: Swedish Home Office 2010
United Kingdom
The UK has one of the highest levels of homelessness in Europe with more than 4 people per 1,000 estimated to be homeless
Source: Homeless Pages, 2004.

The average life expectancy of a Homeless Person in the UK is 42 years, compared to the national average of 74 for men and 79 for women. This is lower than the life expectancy of Ethiopia or the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Source: “Still Dying for a Home” – Crisis, 1996.

In the UK there are 10,459 rough sleepers and 98,750 households in temporary accommodation
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government, 2005

Homelessness costs London £38.9 million a year in lost economic development and costs to its justice and health-care communities, and a much higher toll in human lives
Source: University of Western Ontario, 2003

The estimated cost for one homeless person in the UK to be provided accommodation and other support services is £15,000 per year
Source: Homeless Link UK, 2008

Statistics indicate that 63% of homeless women in the UK have experienced domestic violence and 40% have been sexually abused
Source: Homeless Link, 2007
Estimated homeless figures in the United States range from 600,000 to 2.5 million
Source:  http://www.fas.org, 2009
1.37 million of the total homeless population in USA are children under the age of 18. 40% are families with children, 41% are single males, 14% are single females
Source: International Journal of Psychosocial Research, 2008
Research by Dennis Culhane, University of Pennsylvania, followed thousands of homeless people in New York and each of them used an average of $40,000 a year in public services, such as increased health care.
Source: University of Pennsylvania
An estimated 1,475 households are homeless in Wales
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/wales_politics/8270906.stm  

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