12 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Discipline Vs. Coaching in the Workplace

Discipline Vs. Coaching in the Workplace

by Arnold Anderson, Demand Media
When a manager uses company disciplinary policies, the issue between the manager and employee becomes a formal process. Managerial coaching offers an alternative to discipline that attempts to get the employee actively involved in addressing any challenges. Formal discipline and coaching can have a variety of effects in the workplace, and a manager needs to understand what those differences are to determine which approach is best.


Using company disciplinary procedures to address employee issues puts the ownership of the issue on the manager and human resources department. The employee will be asked to react to whatever course of action the manager and human resources group decides to take. A coaching approach puts ownership of the problem with the manager and employee. Any process of resolution is created between the manager and employee and it becomes the employee's responsibility to find ways to solve the issue under the guidance of the manager.


The coaching approach to being a manager often looks at employee conflict or challenges as an opportunity for the manager and employee to learn how to improve their relationship. Coaches look at the core issues that can be causing a problem and work with the employee to help resolve those issues. Following disciplinary actions addresses the problematic activity but often does not get to the root of the problem. It can be a lost opportunity to help resolve a deeper employee issue, which can create a more productive staff member if it were addressed.


The manager-employee relationship is important in creating a productive workplace. Coaches try to work with their employees to improve employee performance and find the deep-seated reasons as to why conflict exists. This kind of interactive process can work to improve the manager-employee relationship. If a manager turns to official disciplinary action without attempting to interact with the employee, then that can damage the manager-employee dynamic and create a division that results in a drop in morale, loss of productivity and an increase in employee turnover.


Coaching tends to create a workplace based on an active relationships between the manager and employee. If employees have an issue, the coach has made it clear that they can come to the coach to resolve those issues. Managers who turn to company disciplinary actions tend to create a workplace environment that is void of that nurturing relationship. Employees are less likely to develop a sense of loyalty to a manager that relies solely on disciplinary action as opposed to a coach that invites employee input.

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