29 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Build Self-Confidence in the Workplace

How to Build Self-Confidence in the Workplace

by Elise Wile, Demand Media
To paraphrase Johann von Goethe, treat people as if they already are competent, and you'll help them to become so. By doing so, you empower your staff, helping its members to gain self-confidence in their ability to solve problems, make decisions and perform tasks. A staff that is confident in its abilities can help your company to increase productivity, customers and overall success.
Step 1
Catch your employees doing a good job, and then compliment them. Give specific compliments, such as "Maria, I appreciate the work you put into the newsletter this month. Our clients will appreciate the extra information you added." Avoid compliments such as "Great job on the newsletter, Maria," as this type of statement doesn't provide any real feedback on performance. In turn, your employees will gain confidence as they learn that you value their work.
Step 2
Give employees work that they can handle, and gradually increase the difficulty of their tasks as they gain competency. You'll keep your employees from becoming overwhelmed, and they'll gain confidence as they learn each task.
Step 3
Provide training as needed. Having the skills to perform a job not only adequately, but truly competently, is a confidence-booster.
Step 4
Give employees responsibilities that are valued. For example, a receptionist could not only be responsible for answering phones and greeting people, but could serve as an "ambassador" for the company, giving the occasional tour to interested parties.
Step 5
Encourage employees after they've made a mistake, advises James E. Tingstad, Ph.D., author of "How to Manage the R&D Staff." He points out that "one word of encouragement during a failure is worth a whole book of praise after a success."
Step 6
Accept employees for who they are, rather than how they perform a task, says Tingstad. Resist the urge to tell employees how to do their jobs, and allow them to learn from the process of making errors whenever possible. Avoiding micromanagement lets your employees know that you trust them to find the right solutions to problems, whereas you're sending the opposite message if you do otherwise -- a real confidence buster.

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