12 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Discipline an Employee

Edited by RaghavMackar, Zack, Maluniu, Maniac and 5 others

When it comes to disciplining employees, it is essential that you use the opportunity to voice your concerns and expectations. Additionally, disciplinary action should be a motivational opportunity so that the employee is inspired to perform better. If you are interested in steps on how to discipline employees, consider the following list of suggestions.


  1. 1
    Take the employee into a private room. If possible, bring another manager into the room as a witness. Your other manager can take notes of the meeting. This person should not be involved in the disciplinary action.

  2. 2
    Be clear with the employee about what the undesirable behavior was. Avoid generalities. The employee needs to be given a description of the offense, as well as the reason why it goes against company policy. Make a point of focusing on the offense rather than the employee.

  3. 3
    Explain the negative effects and consequences of the employee's undesirable behavior. If the offense inconvenienced other employees, then this information should be mentioned. For example, if the employee is consistently tardy or doesn't show up for work and other employees have to fill in, costing additional expense to the company, express this consequence clearly.

  4. 4
    Give the employee an opportunity to respond to the accusation. Refrain from interrupting. When the employee is finished, respond accordingly. Ensure that the employee is satisfied with the response, even if it's not what the employee wants to hear.

  5. 5
    Have the employee write down a clear plan of action on how they are going to do to improve the situation. Set a deadline for the action plan to be delivered to you Once you receive the action plan review it with the employee to be sure the plan is viable and the employee is serious. If the offense has been habitual tardiness, the employee should state that the employee will be ready to work by a specific time (defined objective).

  6. 6
    Warn the employee about future consequences should the offensive behavior continue. Follow the punitive procedures as stated in your company policy. Whether the next step is a written warning or termination, the employee needs to know.

  7. 7
    Ask the employee if there is anything you can do to support the improvement that needs to be made. The employee needs to feel valued even after being disciplined.

  8. 8
    Provide a written version of the conversation you just had with the employee. Ensure that everything mentioned in the meeting is included in the document. Attach the information that the witness wrote (do not give the witness's original statement - an abbreviated statement is fine or bullet points) Ask that the employee to read over the document for accuracy. Offer the employee an opportunity to add something to the paperwork before having everyone sign it.

  9. 9
    End the meeting on a positive note. If you believe that the employee can do a better job, express this view. Find something that you feel is a positive trait, and use that to motivate the employee. Understand that any form of disciplinary action should also be used to motivate the employee. If the employee leaves the disciplinary meeting feeling deflated, frustrated and resentful, then the negative behavior is less likely to improve.

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