27 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Ideas to Show Employee Appreciation

Ideas to Show Employee Appreciation

by Mitchell Holt, Demand Media
In business, employees are responsible for performing well, workplace productivity and meeting deadlines, but their managers are responsible for an equally important task--showing employees appreciation on a regular basis. According to a 2009 employee appreciation article from Inc.com, employees produce better results when they feel appreciated in the workplace.
Employee of Month
Designating an Employee of the Month award gives employees something to work toward and serves as a great token of appreciation to the employee with the best performance from month to month. On the first or last Friday of each month, plan an appreciation party for this employee, whether a pizza luncheon or a simple cake in the break room. In addition, designate a bulletin board with past and current winners so people can see the award every day.
Nothing expresses a job well done like a raise. While you can’t give a raise every time someone works hard, it’s still valid every once in a while. When you hire an employee, make sure a system for giving raises is in place so the employee knows he can eventually make more money. If your employee meets all of the requirements--including employment length, performance evaluations and ability to work with others--give him a raise to show your and the company’s appreciation.
Encouraging your employees frequently is a great way to show your appreciation. Offer them verbal praise when they make a compelling point at a meeting, complete a project or perform well for the company. For bigger accomplishments, write a note and put it on their desks. Appreciation in writing is very powerful. If your verbal and written encouragement comes too seldom, your employees might not feel valued; if encouragement comes flippantly, people won’t take it seriously. Only offer encouragement when it is due--sometimes it will be every day, sometimes it won’t.
Day Off
Call the employee into your office at the end of the day and let him know she doesn’t have to come to work tomorrow because of something she did well. Let her know you appreciate her and what she did to initiate the reward. If the company can afford it, give her some cash to spend on the day off.
Based on the employees skills and accomplishments, give him more responsibility. Either designate a new or additional job for him or ask him what responsibility he would like to have in the office, then let him try it. Giving an employee more responsibility, according to Top 7 Business website, is a great way to express appreciation in the workplace.

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