25 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Inexpensive Employee Appreciation Ideas

Inexpensive Employee Appreciation Ideas

by KJ Henderson, Demand Media
Though a small business is the manifestation of its founder’s dream, it could not be realized without the hard work and dedication of loyal employees. These individuals perform each of the day-to-day tasks required for the company to achieve success. There are a variety of ways in which an entrepreneur can show his gratitude to his best employee without breaking the bank.
Personalized Note
Words said from the heart are often more valued than flashy and expensive tokens of appreciation. A business owner can exhibit how much she values an employee by writing them a thoughtful, personalized note. The note can be a thank-you message for going above and beyond the call of duty. It can also be congratulatory, giving them praise upon the successful completion of a major project. Whatever the reason, it is important for the manager to detail the accomplishment the employee has achieved, explaining how the triumph promotes the mission of the organization. In addition, it should not be sent electronically. A handwritten letter is much more personal, and it makes a greater impact.
Penny for Your Thoughts
The most creative of gestures often have the most impact. Employee morale is boosted when employers offer tokens of appreciation. When morale goes up, so does productivity. This leads to greater revenue.
A simple way to improve employee morale is to keep them engaged and reward them for their input. When a team member contributes a brilliant idea during a meeting, a creative entrepreneur may choose to privately bestow the inexpensive gift of a shiny new penny upon them. Though small, offering a penny for an intelligent thought will warm the employee’s heart and ensure that the ideas keep coming.
Celebratory Meal
A simple and inexpensive way a leader can show appreciation for her employees is by catering a lunch. This can be done in celebration of a specific event, such as the closing of a large business deal, or simply out of the blue. In addition to providing the employees with extra break time during the business day, this gesture also offers her and her employees a chance to socialize and get to know each other on a more personal level. Catering lunch does not have to be an expensive endeavor. Pizza, for example, is a reasonably priced dish that feeds multiple people.
Trading Places
Adapted from the human resources practices at the University of Michigan, another innovative employee appreciation idea is for a manager to swap tasks with an employee for a day. This practice provides a couple of benefits. Primarily, it allows the boss to experience life in the field, possibly leading to positive changes in company policies and procedures. Secondly, the employee is afforded the opportunity to take on more responsibility, gaining skills that may previously have been unattainable for him.

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