25 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Recognition Techniques

Recognition Techniques

by Michaela Davila, Demand Media

A positive work atmosphere can have quite an impact on productivity. When employees feel like the work they do is valued and their role in the company is important, they will be more motivated to work hard. While this information is useful in theory, you may be interested in learning effective strategies for recognizing and showing appreciation to your employees, co-workers or even volunteers for a job well done.
Write It Down
Giving someone a card is a great way to express your sentiments and recognize her efforts. If an employee has made a huge contribution to an event, communicate your appreciation with a thoughtful card. Have other employees or people in charge write a special note in the card as well. The valuable aspect of giving someone a card is that she is likely to place it on her desk and reread it from time to time; therefore, the individual will be affected by the sentiments in the card far beyond the day you give it to her.
Public Praise
Recognizing an individual in front of others can have quite an impact. Gather the members of your organization in the morning or afternoon and specifically mention the person or people who have done an excellent job on a particular project. This will not only give the individuals you are recognizing a boost in their self-esteem, it is likely to motivate other individuals in the organization who realize that the boss is watching and their work is appreciated.
Tangible Recognition
Use a tangible item such as a plaque or a trophy to recognize an employee's accomplishments. A useful way to do this with a sales force is to have a trophy designed specifically for your sales team. When the monthly sales numbers come in, announce the top seller and have him place the trophy on his desk for the following month. You may want to have the trophy inscribed with the names of the top performers from month to month. You will likely be pleasantly surprised at how motivating a trophy can be for employees to work hard.
A gift can be an effective way of recognizing someone's efforts. Giving someone something simple like a restaurant gift card or a bouquet of flowers can go a long way to show him that he is appreciated and that his efforts and contributions have not gone unnoticed

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