9 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Types of Work Performance Problems

Types of Work Performance Problems

Quantity of work (untimely completion, limited production)
  • Poor prioritizing, timing, scheduling
  • Lost time
    • Lateness, absenteeism, leaving without permission
    • Excessive visiting, phone use, break time, use of the Internet
    • Misuse of sick leave
  • Slow response to work requests, untimely completion of assignments
  • Preventable accidents
Quality of work (failure to meet quality standards)
  • Inaccuracies, errors
  • Failure to meet expectations for product quality, cost or service
  • Customer/client dissatisfaction
  • Spoilage and/or waste of materials
  • Inappropriate or poor work methods

Work Behaviors Which Result in Performance Problems

Inappropriate behaviors (often referred to as "poor attitude")
  • Negativism, lack of cooperation, hostility
  • Failure or refusal to follow instructions
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility ("passing the buck")
  • Insubordination
  • Power games
Resistance to change
  • Unwillingness, refusal or inability to update skills
  • Resistance to policy, procedure, work method changes
  • Lack of flexibility in response to problems
Inappropriate interpersonal relations
  • Inappropriate communication style: over-aggressive, passive
  • Impatient, inconsiderate, argumentative
  • Destructive humor, sarcasm, horseplay, fighting
  • Inappropriate conflict with others ? customers, coworkers, supervisors
Inappropriate physical behavior
  • Smoking, eating, drinking in inappropriate places
  • Sleeping on the job
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Problems with personal hygiene
  • Threatening, hostile, or intimidating behaviors

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