31 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - What Makes Up Employee Satisfaction?

What Makes Up Employee Satisfaction?

by Rose Johnson , Demand Media

Many companies use surveys to measure employee satisfaction.

Employee satisfaction describes the level of happiness workers experience. Employee satisfaction is an important element within business because it directly relates to the productivity of employees. Workers who experience high employee satisfaction are generally more productive than unsatisfied workers. Companies must understand what contributes to employee satisfaction and implement necessary steps to improve morale within their firms.
Employee Flexibility
Companies that offer some level of flexibility to their employees typically possess workers with high employee satisfaction. Some companies offer flexibility by rearranging work schedules to better suit employees. Some organizations implement staggered work schedules to help workers avoid traffic and ease the stress of driving. An employee experiences less stress when he isn’t worried about getting to work at a specific time to prevent a reprimand from a manager.
More Time to Work
Many companies implement deadlines that employees must meet. Employees who face deadlines often deal with a lot of stress in an attempt to meet them. Employees who are given more time to work appreciate the gesture from managers. Employers can give employees more time to work by cutting team meetings and training sessions during times of approaching deadlines.
Compensation and Benefits
Employees who receive competitive wages and fringe benefits are more likely to experience high employee satisfaction than low-paid workers without benefits. A worker can make productivity his main focus when not worrying about how to make money stretch to pay bills. Employees who feel as if they are not paid enough experience low morale and a decrease in productivity. Underpaid employees typically leave jobs in search of better opportunities. Companies can increase employee satisfaction by offering competitive wages and benefits according to industry standards.
Career Growth
Employees value their jobs and employers when given the opportunity to advance within a company. Money is not the only thing employees value, but an increase in responsibility is also important to them. When an employee understands that the organization's culture is to promote internally, the employee maximizes his efforts to increase productivity, benefit the team and contribute innovative ideas. An employee who knows there is little chance of moving to a higher position within the firm sometimes lacks motivation, which only harms the company in the long run.
Relationship with Management
The employee-manager relationship is an important factor within a business. Employees benefit from good relationships with their managers. Managers increase employee satisfaction by acknowledging positive contributions made by the employee. Employees do not always look for monetary recognition but desire simple praise from a supervisor for a job well done. A good manager encourages productivity and innovation by valuing employees’ input.

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